Yoshi, I think you should make a pip for mods (Moose,Dark Templar, Bolt Head, and others)
Just my opinion but if you could look into it. It would be appretiated.
l thought there is a Marine staff picture.
That's staff not Moderating. I don't think they have a "Staff" anymore I think it's only administrative and moderators.
Administrative are people having access to every sections of SEN, help with different website sections and moderate the forums.
Staff is someone helping with different website sections and moderating the forums.
Moderators are only people moderating the forums.
Seems pretty clear to me... See the staff page; you get all ranks. If you see a "Forum moderated by: *****, ********", then go figure who they are. Icons would just take more time to make... Except if Yoshi finds some spare time :/
Which is basicaly impossible.
Well, someone other than Staff, Mod, or Admin should have time for it, especially seeing as there are over a hundred people that don't seem to be spending more than .5 seconds posting...
Naw you're just slower than everybody else ezday...

I dont see why moderator icon is necessary unless they are globally moderating. The moderators currently only have powers on the forums they lead. On the rest of the forums, they're regular members. No point in having an icon then