QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Sep 9 2005, 05:44 PM)
I never mentioned this before, but another reason for my returning is my influence over the community. Yes, me. You may think I'm feeding my ego or something (hense why I don't mention it), but I clued in after a few key factors:
Forum Stats - They may be old and outdated, but take a look. October to December is the time period in which I left. Notice anything odd? Theres a 6000 post decline, registration decline, and new topic decline. I don't make these accounts, topics, or posts.
- No news posts. When I came back, I could see my 3 month old news topic still there. You may say there was no news items (which I think there were), but if there is no news, you make your own news, is what I say. Right now, the oldest news post that shows up on the front page is 8 days old.
- Flaming and swearing was seriously up. Everyone was rude and acting really stupid. The site was never like that before.
When I returned, posts, topics and registrations jumped right away. There were many new news posts. Flaming took a bit longer to repair (and its still a problem a bit, but not nearly as bad).
I really didn't want to post those things, but when you say that I'm ineffective at managing communities, I'm forced to back myself up. I make mistakes, I'm human like everyone else. I'm not saying anyone else here is bad or anything, I'm just saying what I know. Assume what you want.
If you haven't additionally noticed, my website managing techniques are drastically different from other communities and webmasters. My ideals, additude and rules differ extremely in certain situations.[right][snapback]308479[/snapback][/right]
Actually I would like to post here to say I support what Yoshi is saying here. One person can make a huge difference in the community. Each day when I'm running StarCraft.org I know I face real challenges all the time that the normal members wouldn't be able to see. It's not an easy job. And when I look at the way Yoshi handles his community, I feel that Yoshi is a far better webmaster than I am.
Today I was looking at the front page of StarEdit.net, and look, there's Yoshi laying down the rules for the chat channel. In my mind when I was reading that I was saying to myself that he always knows what to say and he doesn't shy away from his responsibility, and I was really impressed. Sometimes I do lay down the law like that, but when I do it, it's draining, and so I feel I turn a blind eye to misconduct on StarCraft.org much more than I should. Whereas on this site, almost always where I see someone breaking a rule, I almost always see Yoshi coming in and putting the person in their place. He's just one guy but he really seems to be able to handle masses of people and steer them in the right direction, whereas I find myself ignoring things that I wish I could change and waiting until someone complains. To be honest I don't understand how Yoshi does it, he's amazing. It's amazing what one person can do.
I also think that Yoshi really shows that one person can change things in the fact that he created this website from nothing. This website receives something like 1000 unique hits a day if I remember right. Honestly, that's the power of one person right there. One time I felt the power of one person myself was when I released the Doom Dragoon mod, which was really just for fun. All of a sudden, the modding community just appeared out of nowhere, we just didn't have modding happening in the public community very much at all until then. I was really surprised. I'm trying not to be egotistic here, but just look, the power of one person.
The thing is, I don't think you can choose people and suddenly they can revolutionise things like Yoshi has. So, yes, you can pick section leaders, and they'll help newbies, run contests, but they won't change the world. Only some people have the right combination of qualities to be able to do that, and if they do, I don't think it will matter whether they are a section leader or not. I mean look, what would happen to the community if you eliminated people like RexyRex? Half the male population of StarEdit.net would just vanish. Of course, I think that Yoshi isn't expecting life-changing events from the new section leaders, so I'm probably just rambling and not saying anything useful here.
However, I think this is a great idea. I think it's such a great idea I actually want to borrow the idea for StarCraft.org. Like I was saying up there, I get drained being a webmaster sometimes, and I think part of the reason is because up until recently I have been running the site almost entirely on my own. It's a little easier now, but I would love to be able to assign some amazingly talented individual to look after say, the fiction section, and they'd put all the rules in and add some guidelines, run contests, and they'd lighten my load. I think you should do it, if not for the community, for yourself.