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Staredit Network -> Melee Production & Showcase -> Melee Maps Available
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mr.Meth on 2005-09-09 at 00:52:31
Hey guys I just had several of my melee maps posted on the melee map section. If you guys would could you guys DL em and give me some feed back on what ya think? Thanks much here are the links Need Before Greed Hot Drop O Fortuna Hatred Lunar Lush
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chef on 2005-09-09 at 08:54:41
Need Before Greed has a lot of problems. First off, you need to think about who's going to have the upper hand when minerals are slower? Second, why is Blue more vulnurable to a drop on his main than Teal? If you want people to play your maps you need to make them as balanced as you can.

Hot drop is better than the others, but the seperated minerals are just a pain. There's nothing really special about it. I think it's probably too little space for Terran in the mains.

O Fortuna has no realistic expansion for Zerg, as well as having two entrances which make it hindering to Terran when they try to defend a Zealot rush.

Hatred has two gas in main... and two entrances... and no natural expansion... What do you think is going to happen?

Lunar Lush has too many minerals. Keep it down to 8 at each main. You're forcing Terran to go m'm against Protoss on this map.

The first rule of making melee maps is always have a natural. Without a natural the games will be very bland and predictable because there's really only one realistic option players can take. Also, you need to take out CCs when you're done putting all the minerals on =P As far as decorating maps goes, I think you've got that down okay (I'm awful at it).

Next time you post maps, post a picture.

PS: I'm posting this in hopes you'll rethink your application to melee =P A lot of the stuff you told him is misleading.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mr.Meth on 2005-09-09 at 23:38:02
QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Sep 9 2005, 06:54 AM)
Need Before Greed has a lot of problems. First off, you need to think about who's going to have the upper hand when minerals are slower? Second, why is Blue more vulnurable to a drop on his main than Teal? If you want people to play your maps you need to make them as balanced as you can.

Hot drop is better than the others, but the seperated minerals are just a pain. There's nothing really special about it. I think it's probably too little space for Terran in the mains.

O Fortuna has no realistic expansion for Zerg, as well as having two entrances which make it hindering to Terran when they try to defend a Zealot rush.

Hatred has two gas in main... and two entrances... and no natural expansion... What do you think is going to happen?

Lunar Lush has too many minerals. Keep it down to 8 at each main. You're forcing Terran to go m'm against Protoss on this map.

The first rule of making melee maps is always have a natural. Without a natural the games will be very bland and predictable because there's really only one realistic option players can take. Also, you need to take out CCs when you're done putting all the minerals on =P As far as decorating maps goes, I think you've got that down okay (I'm awful at it).

Next time you post maps, post a picture.

PS: I'm posting this in hopes you'll rethink your application to melee =P A lot of the stuff you told him is misleading.

Thanks for the feed back
Lunar Lush was one of my first maps I ever made and I just changed around the terrain a bit but didn't think about the massive mineral part. good point I hate money maps but never really thought about lunar lush being over abundant and.. it is heh so thanks for pointing that out.
Need before greeds problem about the blue being more vulnerable is true if you think everyone is gonna try a drop from the north. But for the sake of arguement I'll remove the upper wall above the minerals so there is no landing point for tanks. The slower minerals is really not that big of a deal. The many times I've played it, its slow at first but speeds up dramatically later on when you start expanding into the main base area ( my purpose of making that ) so theres truth to your observation but in game its different than first meets the eye.
Hot drop's main bases were designed so a huge base full of every building possible was not possible. If you micro-manage you should be able to do it but the purpose of that map was to push the idea of using ground units more than air, or have air as a supporting unit of your main ground force. Ill tighten up the minerals a bit if you think it will work out. I spread em out so it looked a bit more natural than the run of the mil tightly packed somewhat varying piles. Game play > appearance though so ok I'll fix that up.
Hatred, well as for this. Meh I was just messin around with the editor one day and decided to finish it. The game play is ok but the minerals run out a bit to fast so i might concider upping the cash per base and expansion. The open canyon feel is suppose to be there though, choke point maps get a little old =(
O Fortuna, Hehe I actually think zerg is a kick ass species for that map. I've won quite a few matches with zerg on that map against players I have known to be very good with terran and toss. As for the 2 entrance issue, have yet to have a problem dispatching a zealot rush. Has happened once in a PvP game and once or twice against a computer all times I have prevailed. Play the maps and see if your opinions change. I will modify all the maps I have and send em to you and tell me if they meet better standards =)

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chef on 2005-09-09 at 23:55:26
Sorry, but I'm not really interested in playing the maps. However, if you want, you can pick the one you feel is best (or most want to prove in worth) and I'll play you on it at your convenience. I'm not a very strong player (it's a long story), but it'd be nice for me to guage how I match up against you.

The issue with two entrances to a main I find is that it hinders misinformation (showing your opponent one thing, while doing another), even if the most misinformation you do is leaving your opponent in mystery about what's inside your base. With two entrances, all Terran must go M & M in PvT (as much as I hate Terrans, it's still not right), which means the Protoss knows it's gotta rush to splash damage units, which means the Protoss has effectivly countered the Terran with hardly any scouting.

The issue with 'naturals' that can't be defended with the same army defending the main, is that you're basically forcing Zerg to go one base Lurkers or all-into-army-pool-before-overlord. Obviously the same problems with lack of misinformation occur.

This is of course all 'theorycrafting', but I think to think I have good reason when I theorycraft.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by uberfoop on 2005-09-10 at 10:52:53
QUOTE(Mr.Meth @ Sep 8 2005, 10:52 PM)
Hey guys I just had  several of my melee maps posted on the melee map section. If you guys would could you guys DL em and give me some feed back on what ya think? Thanks much here are the links Need Before Greed Hot Drop O Fortuna Hatred Lunar Lush

awsome terraining, bad maps mellow.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mr.Meth on 2005-09-11 at 14:58:28
What might make them better, aside from the obvious things that were already pointed out? Or what would you concider to be a good map. Expansions, lay out, entrances, base build space, etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2005-09-15 at 07:30:59
[sub]The map being even is most important, but looks give you better feedback... So both![/sub]
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