Im going to make a movie map about an adventurer who was a key to a legend or a prophecy or something like that. He was to be bitten by a werewolf and something like that and will be the chosen one for that legend or prophecy. He will meet friends and allies and of course enemies. While the movie continues, he will discover powers for being the chosen one. In the end, when he gets to his destination, he will be destroyed and that will bring peace in the world or something like that.
Can someone help me with the storyline and pls come up with a name? Really need help on this...
I Just Type In Jibberish Then Turn It Into A Name From Some Of The Letters
That Might Help
Well if you want to make a name what i do is usually take it a book or some resource and reword it to your liking. I hope the map goes well
The hero approaches his adversary... He prepares to create the seal to banish his foe, but is immediately interuppted by a flea bite!
The whole bitten by a werewolf and profecy and bringing peice. all those put together sound like Harry Potter... but good luck. Gonna be hard to think of a name for that.
I'll finish the movie first before I name it. But keep the ideas coming.
the wearwolf fang
it's good right?
I always name my maps after the best ideea .
Suggest name . The last hero
Fluffy the Vampire Slayer
What I do is look in the index of the book 'Unfinished Tales' By JRR Tolkien theres usually lots of names there, Like the main character of my next map 'Aros'(<-His name).
uhhh maybe i'm going to postpone this for awhile. im a lazy boy and school is slowing me down. but this will be back on a new thread. Expect the thread to be named as The Wolf Descendant or The Chosen One or something. By the Way lazyjoe, it is not about vamps