Hello, I am XxPacmaynExX. I play on the East Server for Starcraft. 1 to 2 days from today, I will get Brood War.
I found this site through Google. Also, this site drawn me because I like to use their tutorials for my maps. I am a good map maker and like to make bounds the most. I will try my best to follow the rules and be a good member.
I live on the East Coast (Obviously since I play East Server). Also, if you guys ever want to talk to me. I have many ways for you to contact me.
SC : XxPacmaynExX (On East Server)
AIM: MegaKrytz (Rarely gets on though.)
YIM: xkillerzzx (Hates Yahoo now and will uninstall soon.)
MSN: turbothruster1000@hotmail.com (Often uses this. But remeber I can leave MSN on without switching to Away.)
Google Talk: NightAssassin123@gmail.com
Email: NightAssassin123@gmail.com
I'm currently making a medium-hard bound called Pacman Bound. (Hence my name.
) I use Starforge to use it.
Pacman Bound
P.S. I am sick of being asked that I'm the modder on Halo 2 named OoPacmaynEoO. No I'm not! I got my name from him and replaced the Oo and oO's to Xx and xX's.