what is Zerg pets..? Not to be a newbie but i want a pet

[center]It's an old, dead feature of SEN that may return with v5. It was killed because of a bug that affected minerals.[/center]
They found a bug where it gave you negative minerals and negative items.
So they closed it, Now we have to wait until v5 comes out... Not hurry for me though.
Whens v5 coming out..?

I don't know the exact date... Probally when ever they think it is good and ready for us.
We still got some more to go.
AH! It's a replica of the other "Where are teh games" thread? Oh noes! They are attacking us!
*MrrLL casts the link attack
sooo... zerg pets got deleted while I was in China eh?.... to bad..... it cost me quite a bit to get my pet and I sorta liked it....
What kind of pets could u get? i was never here when it was woking...
Basicaly all the Zerg Brood names.
I bet most people will try to get an invested kerrigan...
I want a Hunter Killer

Yeah, everybody loves invested kerrigans. They have been invested for money thousands of times. Now INFESTED kerrigan is a cheap, slimy, lady who likes to get funky with zerglings and lurkers under ground. She also likes to get inside overlords and the man Yggdrasil and cast a goewy spell that will slow down units, but she likes to use it when she is getting funky with burrowed zerg units.
Gah, I need to take a break from starcraft..
When I said Zerg brood names I meant the names of the brood goupes of the zerg not the individual unit itself. For example, Tamat, Frenis and Baelrog.
I either wat my mierals back or my pet bacl
she was pwnage

Too bad she lost every battle...
Well, you are certainly not getting your pet back untill SeN v5 comes out. And I doubt the Admins will bother handing you over some minerals.
I feel kinda guilty becuase it was me and Doodle77 who found the bug in zerg pets.
BTW, it was that you could stay at the inn for negitive days, making you gain minerals.
DK got 6812845755 or something minerals that way, which was kinda crazy considering he had -3000000 minerals before.
Then Yoshi set the minerals of everyone who exsploited the bug to -100.
So DK was the only one that won.
ahhh zerg pets qould've been so cool

I personally think it was retarted. Evrey time you visit SeN, you would have to worry about your pet.
Some people actually only joined up to this site to play in the arcade. Really boring life I suppose.
Yea I always wanted a zerg pet but I was broke then I almost had enough and they were gone. That really sucked then I found out you can give minerals. everything went away though the armies, zerg pets, and arcade. Almost everything in Games section xept for the store. Thats all I'm sure.
My Zotax (larva) owns. Got one win

Too bad the zerg pets is gone

lets go on strike untill they release it eariler!!!!
(Just Playing...or am i?

What do we want!
Zerg Pets
When do we want it!
Random person in crowd:isnt it supposed to be now?
*throws rock at him*
What do we want!
Zerg Pets
When do we want it!
we want zerg pets!
we want zerg pets!
Both of you, either get out of SEN or stop spamming and posting junk like this.
Mr.ex and dame, both of you have been spamming since you signed up, please stop it. It's not a good way to be known as a good member.
The discussion for this topic is over.