Greetings! :-)
I'd like to invite you to test and criticize my Coop map "The Clusters of Tau". It's in beta or early beta and should run just fine for you.
The map tells the story of a normal day for a mercenary in the koprulu sector. It's muddy, noisy, and they don't pay enough.
Basically what you do is fight your way through several enemy (ai) bases in search of resources to keep you going. You or you and a friend try to get their next base as an expansion before you run out or they run all over you.
This map is inspired by the Blizzard map Endurance, but it should be a little easier and it's got an extra feature: You can greatly improve your resource count by collecting powerups and returning them home
Planned future Changes:
-Choosable difficulty-level from noob to nada
-Perhaps even more Messages
-Better looks, I will give a real editor a try and do some spriting. :-)
So, any ideas? Is it to hard? Is it to boring? What can I do to make it better?
Ok, interested? :-)
Any feedback would be great. I'm a big replay hugger, so if anyone actually plays this thing a replay would be really teh roxxor, I mean nice. :-)