Tactical Warfare 2Genre : Arena
Size : 128 x 128
Players : 6 Players?[/center]
This will be the "sequel" to my original Tactical Warfare maps. Tactical Warfare 1 had many bugs and little quirks that was looked down upon. In Tactical Warfare 2, I plan on improving gameplay, and be more trigger(size) efficient.
Many new attributes will be introduced into Tactical Warfare 2. The following are ones that have been thought through and will be placed into the map.
[center]1. Day/Night/Time[/center]
The time of the day will affect greatly upon gameplay. Different spells will have different effects during different times. Events will randomly appear throughout the course of the game.
[center]2. Event[/center]
As said in the previous paragraph, events will appear throughout the course of the game. These events include contests, draws, and tournaments. If you succed to win in any of these events, a prize will be awarded depending on the difficulty and probability of the event.
[center]3. Battle System[/center]
The main idea of Tactical Warfare is the battle system. It is meant to simulate things such as Final Fantasy Tactics in a less complicated fashion. However, in Tactical Warfare 1, the turns are based on the units position on the arena(bottom left to top right), because of Starcraft's engine. So, a new "speed" characteristic will be added to each infantry. The faster you are, the more often you get to use your turn. This means multiple turns before your opponent is possible.
[center]4. Infantry[/center]
On top of the basic, sparable infantry. New hero infantries will be added. These hero infantries can be improved through experience like RPGs. However, once a hero dies, the cost of revival is quite expensive, and the death of the hero will greatly lower your life.
[center]5. Players[/center]
The previous Tactical Warfare only supported 2 players. This time, I will be aiming for 6 players.
[center]More to come...[/center]
Infantry List[/center]
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
How to Play[/center]
Tactical warfare is a turn-based, arena strategy game. The concept of Tactical Warfare is much like chess. Moving strategically, taking away the enemy's units. However, you will be taking life instead of the actual pieces which will be revived.
Full details on gameplay will be provided when the map is completed.
Tactical Warfare 1