since your not going to be writing your own music as soon as you start.
I am...
I don't really see how your style can be unique if you try learning by yourself unless your doing something wierd and/or wrong.
Timing, how hard you hit the strings, how often you use things like hammerons, harmonics etc and complexity.
Lessons usualy give you the same style as your teacher
Which is the same as every other teacher sounds, and every other person who's ever taken lessons sounds.
because that is the right way to do it.
The right way is the one that sounds good. To some people, new things sound better than repeated things.
style isn't a very big issue unless your writing your own stuff.
This is where goal become important. Some people will be happy playing songs that aren't theirs, others will feel a need to add something of thier own.
When your playing some one esle's song, if its played the right way, will sound very similar unless your add some zest or whateva.
This is exactly what some people avoid. Say you're holding band try outs, 10 people with lessons sound exactly the same, because they're playing the exact notes. 1 person with unique style sounds distinctly different. If you choose the person with lessons, you're not going to sound new, you'll sound like every other band. Choose the person with the unique style you might have an interesting sound. That's not to say some people won't still prefer the schooled artists... it's just I won't.