Type: RPG
Players: 5
map size: max size
Completed: 80%
Description: A group of bounty hunters has been sent to kill the Yuuzhan Vong supreme overlord.
Screenshots: (don't know how to take screenshots -.-)
Note: this is my first UMS map.
In the game, you will control 1 or more bounty hunters. upgrades is raised to 255. each upgrade cost 100 more. Ships cannot travel into buildings and will be destroyed if you try to move a ship into the fortress. I'll need some testing over the weekends. Some units might need to be balanced out. you can hire New Republic soldiers and even buy a Carrack class frigate. To win, you have to kill the Supreme Overlord.( VERY hard) There are some rancors loose in the map. beware, they are very strong. the Yuuzhan Vong will send units after you and your computer ally's base.
Screenshots... you can push that "Prt Scrn" when your in ur editor and paste it onto paint then upload the file to a site...., get the link and post it with the " IMG" button
i hope to see more details and stuff about this map and good luck!