An older person comes back. I know 95% of basic blizzard accepted starcraft mapping. 75% of Warcraft3 mapping. I dabble in the following langauges. VB5, VB6, JASS, C++,
A little bit of a few others. I suck at art so dont ask. Im a mediocre moddler. SC modding does not apeal to me. Im a Nintendo freak. I play football in highschool. I love to skate even though I have little to no time anymore. And like everyother guy who isnt gay out there I love girls. Notice all my posts are after like 7:30. Its when i get home most of the time. And there are times when I'm out with friends. I where contacts and im 1/2 Mexican, 1/8 French, 7/8 British/English. Just a little bit of background, so get ready, get set, type.
Ps:Im going to put this in my profile eventually.
98% of the population who put this in there signature are homosexual.
If your one of that 2% that are not than do not copy and paste this into your signature.
Please feel free to use this ect.
You have returned, proving my theory of SENativity correct!
QUOTE(Theory of SENativity)
Member(accountdays)[sup]2[/sup] / sin(age-posts[sup]2[/sup] + 3.5(pi)) - (daysaway)[sup]3[/sup] = Pie.
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