Ever wonder how to get a good bounce effect in something like a square? I know my sister added this in a map of hers, can't remember what though, but I found it kind of interesting.
Basically, you have 4 units, preferrably, 4 DIFFERENT battle cruisers. You place them at the borders of a square area like this (ignore "."):
Then, you have 4 different locations that constantly follow each unit. Then, the units on the side patrol down and up, and the units on the top and bottom patrol right and left. Add 4 more locations to the border of the square area. No, don't just make one giant location, you do something so the borders look like this:
But stretching out so there's no part of the border that isn't covered by any of the locations.
Now for the item that actually bounces. Imagine the item is within the box and it moves to the left (probably activited by a quick "always/order" trigger). Now it hits the left border, meaning it hit the left stretched location. This should make a trigger that looks like this:
Trigger |
Description: |
Make unit "bounce" off the left border. |
Players: |
¤ Owner of the "bouncing" unit. |
Conditions: |
¤ Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, "Bouncing Unit", Left Border); |
Actions: |
¤ Order("Bouncing Unit", CurrentPlayer, Move, Left Border, Right Battle Cruiser);
¤ PreserveTrigger(); |
This will make the unit "bounce" off the left wall. Repeat this so that when the unit hits the right border, it goes to the left battle cruiser, top border to bottom battle cruiser, and bottom border to top battle cruiser. Make sure that the "bouncing unit" does not constantly follow a battle cruiser, but make it go to the are the battle cruiser was when the "bouncing unit" hit the border. Hypertriggers are recommended.
I probably should have put this in tutorials...