I'm not sure, but if EUD conditions can detect if you select a unit you can use hotkeys to use items instead and when you select it it unselects in some way and uses item that you want to use. Couldn't find anything that would seem to do this in uberation, but it seems to be missing some things like screen position so it might be possible with EUD conditions still.
One way:
1.Hotkey your unit (unit that uses current item)
2.Right click anywhere on the screen
Very quick, very easy, can easily switch back to main hero and its faster than dropship method
NOTE: Also works for a fast spell method
Currently select units and hotkey groups have to stored in RAM somewhere. Whether EUDs can find it, I know not. Memory searcher, someone?
Yes, moving the unit could work, but it's still more convenient to just have to hit '1' to use a health potion or something.
How would you hotkey it if your trigger makes you use when you first click on it?
You would be told at the start to set your hotkeys, and be able to temporarily "disable item use" and reset them if you messed one up.
pressing 1 then clicking works just as fast i think, u have a hand on mouse anyway...
unless some idiots play with mousekeys hence calling them idiots
when you do it though, wont it run it several times because there isnt a trigger to make it select another unit. unless you hotkey your unit but that amy cause problems too.
Well, if you give the unit to a player that you don't have vision with, you would de-select it because you couldn't see it.
... not sure if that would get rid of the hotkeys though...
no, the hotkeys would still stay
Yeah, but wouldnt always unselect unless it unvisioned/visioned over and over again. I mainly was wondering if you could detect if it was selected with EUD conditions though.
personally i used seige tanks on my map where the players own an unsieged tank at a location when they seige it the item activates that seems to work nicely so all they have to push is
"1" then the letter "o" and ta da the item activates
if you number a unit, it is given to another player, and then back to you again, the numbering will still work
As for the siege tank thing, isnt it slow because of how long it takes for the tank to go back to normal, and if you remove it and place a new tank then you gotta re-number the new tank. Unless i missunderstand something.
Dabbu, the hotkey condition only holds true if you DO NOT press the hotkey while you are not in possession of it. If you do it while you don't have it, you'll reset the hot key. And yes, the siege tank system is inconvinent. I like the building system, build a unit and it's done.
i like my move-unit system better
plus, if you just select to use/cast spell, what if your finger slips? that happends to me a lot =/
The best is Nemis's mineral one where u have a probe mine a mineral somewhere and then once it has the mineral in its little claws u move it somewhere else and have a nexus nearby and u just hotkey the probe and click 'c' (its the command for return resource) but we can always say it stands for cast, and once the probe moves off of the 1x1 location that its on towards the nexus the spell is triggered and then the probe is reset. THE PERFECT SYSTEM!
well in my system i guess you guys are mis-understanding it, it kills the tank instantly after the spell is complete so dont think you have to unseige it to re-do the ability that would just be stupid this would be used on somthing where you can have more than one like a heal or bomb spell
and yes the transformation into seige mode does take time but if it takes too long to unseige a tank in a map well... maybe the map is a little too fast
as any labled ability system in sc it will take time thelongest one however is most definitly moving units to beacons its quite possibly the most non-user friendly thing ever made and soem of the time the civillian (or other unit you are using) will not even go to the beacon the second worse in my opinion is the building system i say this because sometimes people dont know what building some units does they dont know if their getting a science vessel or a heal this sometiems pisses off gamers also if you push the wrong button you have to wait unitil the previos unit is done and if your working with limited units (such as only 1 pop building ie: pilon overlord CC) then you have to wait longer and you get the error message in my opinion using a transformable unit is what i think is the best way it also depends on what you need it for if its for a re-usable spell use the nexus idea if its for an ability or item that you have more than one of the simplest method is tanks
i just thought of another idea of this use mutalisks so you have the choice between their 2 mutations so you could choose between two abilitys with the same hotkey program
Morphing units is like the same thing as building units, why would it be more effective then building things? Building things are more effective in my opinion since you can hotkey and it won't get removed when you use it.
for the tank idea, just say u hav to unsiege the tank to activate spell or item, u just use as the condition:
-current player brings at most 0 siege tank (siege mode) to location(seperate ones for
each item/spell, all
players tank can b in
same one)
then actions:
-watever the location was for
-remove all unit for current player at the location
-create one siege tank (siege mode) for current player
except hotkey wouldnt work, unless u found a way to togle switches so every time they change modes of the tank, it uses item/spell
tanks dont work good for spells that you have to use over n over but they do work good for healing kits or somethign you have a certain amount of
true the building idea would be better for spells that you have to use over be carefull though you can usually (if the build time is 1) you can make it so you can use the spell multiple times when your only supposed to use it once
though eithor way it comes down to what you want to do with your map
true the building idea would be better for spells that you have to use over be carefull though you can usually (if the build time is 1) you can make it so you can use the spell multiple times when your only supposed to use it once
Not really, if mana is gas/minerals then the unit will cost however much. And when detecting if unit is there, you would think it would detect that you had enough mana also.
Obviously the use would determine the method.
E.g., my
Majesty RPG (not to advertise
) uses the Build Unit System for spells since it uses Gas for mana yet uses Dropship System for items for quick access in a small location.
so more of a hybrid system, cuz i guess building method wouldnt work well for items, unless lotsa hypers were used, but then one lagy person and hells rises up through the 2d land of SC and the easy to hack RAM...