well, that crossing out irritates me much more, if someone closes a thread where Id like to reply I make a new thread
If the topic was locked because the conversation was inappropriate then the idea is we don't want you to reply.
If the topic was locked because it was old the idea is we don’t' want you to reply. If you create a new thread on that topic then that’s perfectly fine and expected. As long as what you have to say works as a topic alone.
Most people don’t go reading though tons of old topics. If they are, they have found them using the search function not by manually scrolling though them. In this case having them indicated with a strike though is great because it is very obvious that the topic is locked even thought it may be a little hard to read. But if you’re only reading a few then it shouldn’t be a problem.
Maybe you have some suggestions on what should be done instead? Aside from unlocking all threads.