Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Modding Assistance -> Little question...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-03 at 14:56:00
I gived to the ghost the interceptor sprite (with the flags for he can fly) and my new inter/ghost won't move when i create it, Why ?
If i want to modify grp of marine bullet, what grp i should modifiy, i tryed with squilb1 & squilb2 and it don't get the new sprite, so i think it's not the good one...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-10-03 at 16:59:10
Interceptors use Flingy type movement.
Ghosts use iscript.
Make sure you specify that your new unit will be using flingy type.

Marines don't shoot bullets. They have a animation where their gun flashes, and a hit animation.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-03 at 17:22:31
QUOTE(m.r.bob @ Oct 3 2005, 11:59 PM)
Interceptors use Flingy type movement.
Ghosts use iscript.
Make sure you specify that your new unit will be using flingy type.

Marines don't shoot bullets. They have a animation where their gun flashes, and a hit animation.

Okay for sprite...
i meant for the hit animation where the 'invisible bullets' of the marine does hit on the enemy unit... what grp is it? does it have a grp?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StealthyDeath on 2005-10-04 at 08:39:50
I believe you want 'bullet\tspark.grp'. I'm not exactly sure if it is the one you want, but it is the Gauss Rifle's 'hit' animation.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-04 at 13:59:00
Okay i made my vulture have ghost's sprite and i know it don't give the green picture of the ghost at left of his life, and where i get it, i tryed with image editor in arsenal but it crashed when i created the ghost/vulture
Where i can get it?
And i want to edit stats_txt.tbl but i want the english version of it, i'm on a french version -> i'm french
I have 6 stats_txt and i don't know what to choose for english, someone could give me his english version of stats_txt or say me the one i would take in my .mpq?

Nb : I messed up with jpg's quality for get a small attachment
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-10-04 at 14:36:35
The stat_tbl that you need is the one with the Locale ID of 0. (At least, it is in my version.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-04 at 15:11:15
Doh it was the french one... i'll try them all... thanks
For the image i don't know what to do sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DiscipleOfAdun on 2005-10-04 at 15:22:25
You need to change wirefram.grp to reflect the change. Replace the vulture with the Ghost. There are 2 other files(can't remember the names) that also have wireframe information.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-10-04 at 15:29:57
The other files are transwire.grp (for transport wireframes) and grpwire.grp (for group wireframes).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2005-10-04 at 18:59:58
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Oct 4 2005, 11:36 AM)
The stat_tbl that you need is the one with the Locale ID of 0. (At least, it is in my version.)

LocaleID 0 stat_tbl.txt is that of the default Starcraft installed language. You need the one with LocaleID of 1033.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-05 at 07:15:20
LocaleID 0 stat_tbl.txt is that of the default Starcraft installed language. You need the one with LocaleID of 1033.

I have no stat_txt.tbl with a local ID of 1033
You need to change wirefram.grp to reflect the change. Replace the vulture with the Ghost. There are 2 other files(can't remember the names) that also have wireframe information.

The other files are transwire.grp (for transport wireframes) and grpwire.grp (for group wireframes).

I can't find them... what's their directory prompt and in what .mpq these files are?

Thanks all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DiscipleOfAdun on 2005-10-05 at 10:01:42
One of them is in Patch_rt.mpq(transwire.grp if I remember my patches correctly), the others are in BrooDat.mpq. I think the path is unit\wirefram\. I would just use winmpq to search for all *.grp files, then scan through the list.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-05 at 11:36:00
Work perfectly, thanks, just a thing that made they always the same wirefram and a red-oj-green-yellow like if they were attacked lol smile.gif not a problem, and i thinked it would crash if i get the vulture/ghost in a transport but not... lol i guess transwire is for in-transport...
For stat_txt some could give me his english one? i have no english in my 6 stats_txt lol sad.gif
add: lol brood i mean 'i believe" tongue.gif voyager edit ur post and remove it!! lol just kidding smile.gif oops.gif the problem is when he said that i didn't undstood why he did yawn.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2005-10-05 at 12:12:47 original stat_txt is english, but I have all the others: french, german, spanish etc. Check them again with TBLPad, you must have missed something.

lol i guess transwire is for in-transport...

The other files are transwire.grp (for transport wireframes) and grpwire.grp (for group wireframes).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-05 at 15:10:43
QUOTE(BroodKiller @ Oct 5 2005, 07:12 PM) original stat_txt is english, but I have all the others: french, german, spanish etc. Check them again with TBLPad, you must have missed something.

I verified again... i have no english stats_txt.tbl
I have 2 french - 1 german - 1 spain - and two other i don't understand and they aren't english
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2005-10-07 at 12:20:32
!)Download Arse3 or IceCC
@)Install/Unpack and retrieve stat_txt.tbl from the program's directory/ies
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-07 at 18:26:46
OKay it worked smile.gif
I needed this question because i'm making a mod... and i need an idea for valkiry, dropship, vessel and for yamato...
If someone could give me idea here...
Do i post a thread in show-case? i just want the idea i didn't finished it... i don't want a unfinished mod where there is no stats_tbl change, icon...
and i would know if it were possible to resize an unit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-10-07 at 18:52:51
OKay it worked smile.gif
I needed this question because i'm making a mod... and i need an idea for valkiry, dropship, vessel and for yamato...
If someone could give me idea here...
Do i post a thread in show-case? i just want the idea i didn't finished it... i don't want a unfinished mod where there is no stats_tbl change, icon...
and i would know if it were possible to resize an unit.

you could make it have a missile type (like the nuke but alot smaller) that hits the ground units and explodes killing units in a very small area

you could make it have a better engine fire to where it goes faster for a quicker drop off

you could make the science vessal be able to irridiate itself and run through units to kill em or be able to irridate a building to injure itself or the units around it

you could give it a hitting explosion that splashes units around it

edit the unit dimensions with Arsenal III and dimensions under the graphics tab in units.dat and if you wanna change the units picture size edit the GRP file to increase his size
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-08 at 08:40:08
Okay i have a big problem... sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif
For the ghost/vulture and the ghost/kerrighost i changed wirefram for it get more realistic... and the problem is... when i click on the ghost and kerri, it don't crah, but when the ghost is from an other layer, it crash. I shearched bu i don't understand how i could fix this, i think this is a problem from the wirefram i changed...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2005-10-08 at 10:25:20
QUOTE(TERRAINFIGHTER @ Oct 8 2005, 12:52 AM)
edit the unit dimensions with Arsenal III and dimensions under the graphics tab in units.dat and if you wanna change the units picture size edit the GRP file to increase his size

Arse3 messes up the unit size, so avoid using it. Use Unit Resizer for this purpose:
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-08 at 13:15:44
Arse3 messes up the unit size, so avoid using it. Use Unit Resizer for this purpose:

Wow... it wasn't due to wirefram changing...i had tried to resize an unit using ars3 and it messed up, it was why i had this crash problem, problem fixed smile.gif

New question... again... in terrandoom the animation attack (ground) of teh valkiry is 147 as what i seen, i tryed it and damn! it don't work ; i get a sprite where my unit were placed, how i could use this attack animation?

About idea...
you could make it have a missile type (like the nuke but alot smaller) that hits the ground units and explodes killing units in a very small area

I had an other idea...
you could make it have a better engine fire to where it goes faster for a quicker drop off

Good idea for a quicker drop off... for an attack... i have no idea.
you could give it a hitting explosion that splashes units around it

It is possible to change what 'spawn broodlings' spawns? If yes, How?
I'd like to make it spawn 2 ghost (now -> kerrigan not infested)

Thanks all, again smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2005-10-08 at 15:00:29
It is possible to change what 'spawn broodlings' spawns? If yes, How?
I'd like to make it spawn 2 ghost (now -> kerrigan not infested)

Ive never tried it but you probably go about doing this by changing the order spawn broodlings to emulate another unit instead of broodlings and change the iscript to support the new unit

that or its hardcoded tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2005-10-10 at 05:53:40
It's probably hardcoded, but you gotta check the order and/or the EXE to be sure...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeF_ on 2005-10-11 at 11:35:19
Yeah it's hardcoded... i shearched to see in the order but it don't spawned my ghost... if someone can give me another idea...

Now about that
New question... again... in terrandoom the animation attack (ground) of teh valkiry is 147 as what i seen, i tryed it and damn! it don't work ; i get a sprite where my unit were placed, how i could use this attack animation?

If anyone could give me an awnser.... ty smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

I'll not finish my mod i think... i'm blocked to this, i need the damn animation sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by R(a)GeD(F) on 2005-10-14 at 05:41:19
change what broodlings look like to ghost or w/e u want
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