how do I change my name / make a new account ?
people keep telling me I spelled my name wrong and I want to fix it. Does n e one know how I can fix this problem?
I tried making a new account but it wouldn't let me because it said that the e-mail addy was taken...!!
Uhh... basically your screwed unless you can get another email adress
and yeah wrong forum
Spam a little bit and get 300 minerals then go to Games -> Store and buy a name changer and change it. [/idiotic responce]
500 minerals, name change item in the SEN shop.
I'll help you out...heres 60 =).
lol darn you i just sent him 56 lol No wonder i was like wtf how did it go up to 360?
Edit: and it is 300 to change it.
Heh my bad... didnt know that
now the friggin signature uploader keeps uploading my old signature even though the file is removed from my computer and practically erased from all records. I select the new banner but it's gay and does nothing...