It's not dead.
227 Members Online For October 4th, 2005.
«–isolatedpurity–», (U)Bolt_Head, Mini Moose 2707, DT_Battlekruser, Merrell, PCFredZ, Slyence, LegacyWeapon, Deathknight, devilesk-A-durmbass, EzDay281, KaboomHahahein, Alpha(MC), Busion, CheeZe, Clokr_, DEAD, DevliN, Euro, Felagund, Forsaken, Fortune, Golden-Fist, greenreaper, illusion(SS), Kame da Sniper, Kellimus, Kenoli, Kow, m.r.bob, Mr.Camo, nuclearrabbit, Revelade, Rhiom, Screwed, ShadowBrood, Shatter, SI, slayer766, Snake)Ling, Sniper, SpaceBoy2000, synd][cate, T.s.u.k.a.s.a, Ultimo, urmom, Voyager7456(MM), wesmic da pimp, Xenomaniac, (DB)Baal, (SpiderJew), -)HyDrO(-, ._., 4-play, A(Y)Inuyasha, a-Friend, a0s, Aikanaro, Amphetamin, ArbitraryViolence, Archaeum, Atreyu), aZnb0i_2, Bannitschuwa, BSTRhino, Bukharev, Byuu, Caboose, ChaoticS, Chronophobia, CooL)Kid, corbo, CrazyNinja00, CroakingManiac, D)s-202, Da-Darkfire, DameDaSnipa., Darkened_Master, DarkPythn, DarkWizzard, darth_ender, Deathawk, Deblois, DeF_, Demaris, des, DiscipleOfAdun, Doodle77, E)s-Fury, Ego, eom[Dark_Lord], evolipel, Farseer, FireStorm, fishgold, FrezZ, fritfrat, frylockxxx, Fwop_, GgG-PlayaR., Ghost276, glytcher, GoC)Sky, Gradius, GrEeNs, guardien, hashmalum2, heavenb, Heavyclone, hidiho, HolySin, iamandragon, icetwister, IceWarrior98, IIDragonII_Bard, Infested-Jerk, InfestedScag, Inuyasha_HD, in_a_biskit, IsaT, Jmoney, Jmoney_, Joshgt2, KABOOM, Knavish, Koopa, Kow_Lover, Kumano, l)a_Cheese, latinoloco, LauraL, LethaL, lil-Brit, lime.cola, LML, Lord_RexJr, L_o_N_e_R, marxel, MaSTer-Z, Medieval_Massacre, megamonk, Midget_man_66, MidnightGladius, Monkey_Man, Mp)3, Mp)MinigameEast, Mp)PeazeL, Mp)RuFF, Mr.Meth, M_s4, Navilin, nicalobe, noname, o-0, OmegaX-, Oo.Agent.oO, Oo.Dynasty.oO, Oo.King.oO, Oo.SkiLLz.oO, Oo.Vic.oO, pekkel_the_duck, Pepsi., PhoenixRajoNight, PS-kgb_spartan, Pwnage101, qPirateKing, Ramirez, Razerr789, RgK_Garm, rwb33, SabbaT, Shadownix, shakespeare101, ShizTheresABear, Shootnick, ShroomOfDoom, Sikas, Silver-Dragon, StarmanJr., Stealth, StealthyDeath, Steveman01, Subrosian, T0urmenteur, Tearshed, Temp, TerminaterCE, TERRAINFIGHTER, theedarkone, TheEvilBeaVer, TheZen, THE_STORM_N, ThE_tHiNg, The_Zekling, ThunderChaos, timmy8586, Tmac020304, Toa5555, ToCoolToBeTrue, TONYMAN, Toothfariy, TranNova, Undead-Fox, Valug, Viett, ViolentJ, Viper~XW~, Volcove99, Voldamort101, W)t(F__F)t(W, wijock34, Wing-of-no-Wing, Wolf[vF], WoodenFire, wow116, Wrathlord7,, X-squared, XenoDragon, Xghozt, XxPacmaynExX, XxXFaNtA, yeow, Yossarian, Zander292, ZeroZdR, Zycorax
Does that look dead to you?
44 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
Active Users 14 guests, 30 members 0 anonymous members
This site is not dead.
I think the main reason some of the administrators/moderators quit ("took a break") is because of the 90+% of immature or retarded or spamfullness members we have here.
I think they were thinking that SEN wasn't worth their time anymore...
SEN isn't dead. We have about maybe 300 posts every day and like 1000+ views.