hm, my rpg that im currently making has a % heal based on level at the inn.
in case u are curious as to what i mean:
Every time a player reaches a certain level of exp, a unit is created for player7 (neutral) at a lvl counter location for that player. now, the player starts with one of these units to represent its at level 1, and it gains one up to whatever the max level will be,
now, every time that player brings his unit to the inn, it is set so that the triggers evaluate, 1, the player is at a location preset for the inn 2, how many units player 7 owns at the players level marking spot, so forinstance:
Player 1
Bring 1 terran civ to 'yes'
Bring 1 any unit to 'spot preset for inn'
Player 1 has at least 50 ore
player 7 brings exactly 2 units to 'lvl1'
subtract 50 ore from player 1
modify unit hp for all units owned by player 1 at 'spot preset for inn' to 6% (the max hp for level 2)
move all units at 'spot preset for inn' to 'spawn'
wait 2 seconds
preserve trigger.
and if u wanted to, u could make a higher healing cost for the more hp the unit has when it heals
but im sure the (30X6) 180 inn triggers already required for 6 heroes might be enough work already