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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Debacle of Balance Prt1
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Buletbutter on 2005-10-04 at 19:52:35
[center]TnTProductions presents[/center]
[center]user posted image[/center]
[center]Debacle of Balance:[/center][center]The First Strike[/center]
[center]Players: 4
Type: Campaign Defense

The Story:

The First Galactic War:
During the first war between the Protoss and Terran race in the outlying Confederate colony, Chau Sara, a new faction of peoples banded together to prevent another invasion of such catastrophic proportions.  Out of the ashes of this first assault  the most talented General, known only as the Peacekeeper, started a new faction to preserve the terran way of life.  By mostly observing, the Peacekeeper, saw that terrans were at a severe disadvantage in battle against the Protoss.  His first actions while in command of his growing new Faction was to leave their homeworld and find refuge in a new colony.  During the destruction of their colony and cloaked in the dust of war they left their world behind and took only those who were loyal to him. He founded the Galactic Federation of Peacekeepers.  Shortly after leaving their home colony the Peacekeeper found out that their home colony was once again attacked by a new race, known as the zerg.  He sent a few scouts to monitor the the battle.  Over the course of a few decades the Galactic Federation of Peacekeepers, GFoP, spent most of their time ovbserving what they could of the two new entities and figuring out new battle strategies that would help them defend themselves if ever they were discovered.

The time of peace.
During the time of observation, the GFoP was able to rebuild a relatively large and advanced colony.  Unlike their old colony of Chau Sara, they were able to keep peace amoung themselves. Keeping peace amoung themselves gave them a distinct advantage over their old ways. New training techniques were used and applied, their forces were more cohessive...their colony quickly became one of the most organized and constructive ever conceived of the terran race. 

The GFoP kept a close eye on their former brethern, although they did not participate in any actions taken by any race,  they did however give them a few plans and new instruments they were working on.  At one time they thought of rejoining them to bring balance back to the galaxy.  But the lies, deciet and destruction amongst themselves reminded them that they would never accomplish anything without fighting their own kind.  Despite this, they persued to keep an eye on all three of the races, undetected,  for some time.  Witnessing every war, every treaty and every move of the other races they were able to discover the Empire of Nar'ah and their plans to controll the entire galaxy.

The Empire of Nar'ah
The Empire of Nar'ah began its uprising during the time of what was called, the Brood Wars.  The founder of the Empire is not know, nothing much about this collective group is known.  What is known is based on speculation and observation.  During the decline of the Brood Wars, the Empire of Nar'ah began its campaign for galactic domination.  Devouring anything that opposed them with extreme efficiency the Impire quickly became the most feared collective throughout the galaxy.  The few that survived an encounter with them told tales of their ruthless ways.  A common 'slogan' that was used by them was "Convert, or die!".  Usually, they would say this or something similar to it before they would attack.  Their empire stretched far across the vastness of space and was even thought to stretch beyond that of this galaxy.  The size of their army was increasing with each colony they conquered, and to that...there was no end in sight.

Roughly a decade later, after the Brood Wars, the Impire had found the GFoP's colony.....

General Idea:
Each player starts at their command center with a few scv's. You have about 5 minutes to gather minerals and prepare for the onslaught. When the timer expires units will start coming down from the top. Their goal is for the Empire to reach the portal, which leads to your home colony, through any means necessary. There are 4 pylons at each of the cross like platforms. These pylons power the photon cannons near the portal. The photon cannons are really strong and are more than enough to defend the portal. However, if a pylon is destroyed, the corresponding photon cannon is removed. So, the longer the pylons are up the better chance you have at stoping them from reaching your home world.

Currently you can only use the terran race, Protoss and Zerg may be added in later parts. You are able to build most of the units for the Terran race. The gas cost of all units have been removed.

Notes about this campaign
  • Originally this was going to be the sequal to our first defense map, Power D1. However we decided to add a lot more depth to it by making it a campaign since we plan on making two or three more parts.
  • We currently plan on having at least one more part to this campaign for sure.
  • The possibility of bringing this into the 'modding world' is being heavily considered.
  • The demo is currently up and running, a few things have been left unfinished for testing purposes.
  • The story, name of the campaign, or gameplay may change at any time.
  • We are trying to tie this story in and/or around the original storyline of starcraft.
  • Production of this campaign is currently in the testing phase.
Feedback is very much appreciated, as well as ideas to improve the map. Please if you see anything, spelling errors or storyline errors, let us know.[attachmentid=14390]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-10-06 at 19:03:53
Well i see you have it well planned out man. My sc recently just crashed and i can't get on but nice work so far man. It looks amazing and you have a great idea and outline going for you. If i oculd be any assistance i would love to help out. Good job and good luck.

ps. its good to see some originality smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-10-06 at 20:23:25
Mini-map looks really cool. The general concept of the map sounds excellent. Story looks decently structured, and the gameplay sounds great. Though, do the men actually attack you or do they just run past since you really didn't make it understandable. And wouldn't the enemies attack the cannons instead of the pylons? o_O How do you lose, one person gets past, or do you have lives?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Buletbutter on 2005-10-09 at 23:55:50
Thanks and sorry to hear that about your SC sad.gif . Its frustrating when stuff like that happens. Right now the only thing I would need help on is for people to play the game and let us know if its to hard/easy and tell us if we missed any bugs.

Q. Do the men actually attack you or do they just run past since you
A.When the enemies start coming there will be a few that stop to actually attack your or the pylon. We have had much debate on how this part should be carried out. I think that with the way we are making the story fit into this, we have it set up right. The main objective is for them to essentially look like they don't know where they are going. As the levels go on it will begin to look like they are getting the 'hang' of it. See, the thing is even if they do fly straight to the portal (and some do) the photon cannons will kill them instantly. So as the game progresses it will look like they learn that they have to take out the pylons in order to 'shut down' the photon cannons guarding the portal.

Q.How do you lose?
A. This is currently being debated. During out testing phases we have it set up to where if 5 units reach the portal to your homeworld you lose. We realise that this does not seem realistic to lose this way and we will probably change it pretty soon, open to ideas on that part biggrin.gif .
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