Felagund managed to collect alot of minerals from the aEp tournament but he recently resigned and shutdown the tournament. He sent the minerals to Kame_Da_Sniper and they haven't been moved ever since. Is there any possible way they can be restored back to the people who contributed since many people donated to the tournament and it would be unfair if they did not recieve a refund.
Yeah, I've got some PMs from Volcove already. Just give me some time and I'll sort this out. I hate to tell you this, but there's some bigger things going on here.
Minerals: 23,966
I think he's saving for a Deluxe command center, or whatever you teenagers are buying these days.
(I guess he's taking back from felagund to give back)
Oh, I'll take my 4000 minerals I helped pay Felagund for the tournament![sub][sup][sub][/Joke][/sub][/sup][/sub]
"Mp)Sniper 100*
LegacyWeapon 1453
Stealth 146
Voyager7456(MM) 60
Valug 4
Kusion 333
Snipe 100*
DevliN 958
Simulant 72
Lt. Fatso 100*
Fronter 150"
*=Not a valid username.
is the list I'm working with. Other than that, the post I was given is dated further back than the logs go, so I can't track any minerals.
The aE members participating in the tournament have recieved 564 minerals each, I'm not sure who else gets what.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=20017Woo, 500 minerals, that rocks! Moose is the man! o_O Good to see some progress around here.
You have logs of mineral transfers?
I changed it to just Sniper...and he owes me 200
He probably does have mineral log. It would be pretty dumb to not have it and I think Moose posted a list of minerals sent to a certain people from some people involuntary.
Oh yeah! I got my 60 minerals back!
I'll take any minerals
(I can't wait till I get 1500 minerals too!
T MINUS 890348934890343490 DAYS 11 HOURS
i only paid him 100 minerals for 1 entry. but its not a huge deal.
minerals are useless unles you want to change your name -.-
Or if you want a cool looking name.
Not on firefox.