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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Guns 'n' Butter
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PingTheCow on 2005-10-10 at 23:55:03
Guns 'n' Butter

Hello people, I am new to this site but not new to Starcraft. Lately I have taken a liking back to this game after getting quit bored of Warcraft III and its custom maps even though they more variety in what they can do. Instead I was draw in by the unique, yet complex maps that can be made with Starcraft especially with the 3rd party editors and programs now that make map making easier and funner. I am a person big on politics and war and as my self after reading through all the tutorials and dabbing in the arts of map making with the new found stuff I am going to make a map that includes many things that interest me. For a political game that involves war you need ultimate control over your country as the leader and roleplayer of it. People that make these type of maps forget one important element that is important to politics though and that is no matter how much control a leader has he still has to work around his people just some less than others. When I am at it I thought how about I try to simulate your actions towards other countries by effecting their people too. I have noticed many a Political War games on starcraft allow you to pick a government but it does nothing so I figured why not make up some fake governments so there can be no contest by people of if I represent a goverment correctly. Instead with my made up governments I lay my own rules for them which what ever government you pick actually effects you in the game. I have also decided to have a build your government option. Each goverment has one postitive and one negative which I will let you pick each one if you one while also choosing your countries type of military they rely on such as full standing or conscripts. The type of military you picks comes with a special ability for your military such as for those that believe in mass conscription in time of war then if they are attacked they are able to call in extra reserves that remove the injured and replace them with all healthy troops; mind you that conscripts are weak compared to a standing army. Many of you if you have made it this far reading are probly wanting some more details maybe more into some of the stuff like some of my government types and you will get just those.

The work horse of a game. The mighty gameplay or other words how the game will play. I have thought of many ways to make the combat for this type of game and I have figured upon adopting a system like Civil War:Campaign Virgina but to a further degree. You will have 4 generals and be in control of every specific thing in each one of your provinces such as the citys, tax rate, and industrial capacity. You will start with 3 Provinces which you are in control of at the start of the game. You choose which 3 provinces though like any good game of diplomacy only you choose a region and you get the corrosponding 3 provinces. I will screenshot my map later and outline the regions. It will be a 2-4 player game which you do have some control over your nation depending on the government type you select your starting relationship with other players will vary. Even if you as the leader of your government want to help out your friend but he has done many things that has decreased his relationship points against your type of government then you will not be able to help him like in real life due to your people. You could always try to slowly adjust your government type to change to one that allows you more control or just ignore the relationship points which could cause you to lose the game because you are expelled from leader as your country due to rebelions, or you could just lose some provinces due to rebelion. As you can tell this will be a very complex game which let me tell you it is specially since I have stated before I am newer to the advanced stuff you can do with the editor but I am struggling to make this come true. To a more further degree this game is turn based. At start everyone picks there stuff but then after that it switches over to a turn based type of game where you pick one general a turn and can move him any adjacent province from the one he is in. Then you can choose to attack, talk to another general of an army if one exist their to discuss diplomatic terms, try to persuade the province to join you, try to influence the government of the province towards your form of government, or nothing and just end your turn. During your turn with a general if you have not moved him from one of your provinces then you have the option to have him enter your town in that province where you can recruit more soldiers, mess with the tax level, or mess with the industrial capacity. You will have one master area each turn where you can research new military doctrines, slowly adjust your form of government to another type, allocate where industrial capacity will be spent and what on, or declare war on other nations. So very indepth and very complex. If anyone would be willing to help me on this project please tell me I would really enjoy the help with some of the more advanced triggering that will save strings such as using death counters and such.

Forms of Government:
Cremitic - (+50 Production/+10 Relationship points lost for declaring war.)
Those that believe in a Cremitic government believe in mass cheap labor from their people for in trade of them giving the people security and a strong economy. Cremitic governments strongly believe in isolationism because of their self independence on their people which effects their starting relationships with other goverments.

The Cremitic governments military is made up of very few standing soldiers mainly due to isolationism and is attributed to them relying on their people to work accept in time of war which they are conscripted into a military that mainly has cheap and outdated weapons, thus causing them to rely on numbers to over whelm and defeat the enemy. A Cremitic goverments generals due to being part of the standing military and being trained in the doctrines of conscripted and mass assult warfare are capable of leading 5000 soldiers into battle.(1 unit = 100 soldiers)

A Cremitic government due to its draft system is able during a defence of one of their provinces if the man power allows to call in reserves to replace the injured soliders.

Decovit - (+25 Relationpoints for declaring war on an agresser of another nation/-50 Production.)
Those that believe in a Decovit government believe strongly in good education and believe being heavily involved with other nations. Decovit governments are likely to send soldiers to police borders of warring countries to keep the peace even though the main goal is to keep trade open for them so that their economy is not weakened due to the warring factions. Decovit governments have good relationships and sturdy trade with other governments which effects their starting relationships.

The Decovit governments military is made up of strongly trained soldiers that have superior firepower to most nations and is a huge standing army. Due to their required military service they have no way of calling up reserves during war unless they risk to destroy their own infostructure. The Military Doctrines of the Decovit goverment lays around quick wars. Decovit Governments due to this doctrine are able have pre-emptive strikes against other countries that take longer for the enemy to retaliate due to the quickness of the attack. Their Generals are only capable of leading 2,000 soldiers into battle due to the advanced weapons of their military and strong organization needed since mistakes can be fatal.

The Decovit government due to their soldiers difficult military training they are capable of having their own Artillery Brigades that are attached to their general fire during a battle.

I will add more forms of Goverment later. Please post feedback of what you think of my ideas and many some Government ideas of your own.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by T-MaStAA on 2005-10-11 at 15:57:13
Sounds cool. I find it wierd however that you know so much about politics yet your grammar is... below average. Just something i noticed tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RiverBelow on 2005-10-11 at 19:07:26
sounds cool, i think. another few types of governments and this could turn into a pretty interesting map. its original and sounds good
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PingTheCow on 2005-10-11 at 21:43:32
Grammar is of very little importance for me but that is mainly due to not caring where commas and such go but I can speek and be heard and thats what truly matters in politics not if you use proper grammar. Anyway thanks for the input of about it sounding cool lol. I have just updated gameplay even though I think I need to break it up and make it cleaner and easier to understand but I will work on that later and probly later tonight after some more mapping and design of this map I will post some more types of governments and probly ideas on units and how the army and whole General system works to fuller extent.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IanMM on 2005-10-11 at 21:46:07
Sounds cool I'm making one kind of like that.
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