Diablo RPG by aR-aDviL
My question is, does it sound intriguing to play? I know its hard to ask that just by telling you the name of it so ill list some features:
-8 characters to choose from they range from melee to spellcasters
-over 40 skills to use with your character to slay enemies.
-Accurate spells that go with the character that can use them.
-Balanced level up system
-Based on the story of diablo
-Fair dueling system for competing against other players, does not allow fighting in town.
-Functioning waypoint system allowing to revisit pre-visited areas quickly
-Multiple quests that are available for completion
-NPC quotes from the real game.
-Wide variety of monsters and demons to fight.
-Vast areas to explore.
Only way you would keep me in that rpg for more than 10 seconds would be killer terrain and something more than spells and walking around killing weak units(every single rpg in exsistance)
As long as you don't have 9999 health/ 9999 attack/ 255 armour. Diablo rpg?? Not something original

I think it sounds like a good idea becuase most of the other Diablo rpg's out there suck. If you can add multiple acts with good terrain and go into detail with the spells and things i think it would be a nice map.
what about the weapons?
No one has made the perfect Diablo RPG. Ive got some very nice idea's that would make a near perfect RPG and one that people wouldnt suck. All you need is like over 500 weapons. And to do this is simple, pick up a weapon, randomize switches and all then set a specific death.
So the major difference here is when you kill with that item, certain things will happen by triggers. You also should use square terrain in my opinion for the large area' perimeter walls. if your going to make the entire game, act 1 right through to act 5 then your going to have to split it all up. An act a map.
Here is an idea for you. You could link maps together. There is a trigger action that allows you to do this kind of thing. You would have 5 maps where each map would be an act and so on. It sounds like something that would take a long time but good maps take up alot of time.
Example: Trigger |
Description: |
Map linking trigger |
Players: |
¤ All Players |
Conditions: |
¤ Always |
Actions: |
¤ Set Next Scenario |
It will ask you to load the map into your current map and that is all you do. When the map is done then it will go right into the next one. Why not just release different ones instead of having to do one big series at once. It would keep people into the game.
Hard to pull off mainly due to what makes diablo so much fun is the random levels. Good luck is needed and I will not condem or praise until you are finished.
I would say it sounds great however, yes add weapons that makes the game a whole lot better from what i believe. And the only other thing is maybe you can make your own act eh maybe??? i mean you can use basic character but you should make something of your own world in diablo so it wont be boring as if your playing diablo in sc??? thats the way i think of it... and also a nice thing i like about most rpg is if boss are speical like i mean i dont like bosses where they just come as if there stronger and nothing much else.. i like bosses to be able to use ability becuase thats tight

with all that added yes go on and make it

maybe even like different place to start out with i donno... well forget the different place but sounds good to me.