Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Entering/exiting system
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ninebreaker on 2005-10-11 at 19:48:08
Alright, make a cave (or something to enter) and put locations on both entrances.
Then (with dropship methods) unload a specific unit to enter that cave, with this you no longer have to use 4 locations, but only 2 yawn.gif

Yes, i know this is nothing new or hard
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-10-11 at 20:26:23
Wait, you used four locations when moving a unit from one area to another?

The best entrance way is to do so with bringing units to locations. I can enter any building and exit it with two locations. (Or one if you memorize the order of the units when they are given from one player to another, placed on the map)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2005-10-12 at 02:57:38
The four-location method of teleporting between two points used two locations at each end so that the units wouldn't end up going back and forth forever:
    [in 1] - - - - - - - - > [out 1]
    [out 2] < - - - - - - - - [in 2]
And two triggers with "If you step on 'in 1', then teleport units from 'in 1' to 'out 1'." (And the same trigger with 'in 2' and 'out 2').

If you combine the 'in' and 'out' locations at each end, then you end up with a system which takes you from one end to the other and back again continuously, which means that you almost lose control of your unit, and the two-way teleportation system doesn't work any more.

Ninebreaker's suggestion is to make the player 'push a button' (use a dropship system) before they get teleported: "If you step on 'place A', and you unload a unit, then teleport units from 'A' to 'B'."

How does your method work, Rantent? It seems to me as if you're describing a system to be used in an rpg, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean or how it works.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-10-12 at 09:52:02
You don't need a dropship system, simply set a death counter everytime you enter or exit the cave. If the death counter is set, then the teleport triggers won't work. As soon as yo leave both locations, reset the death counter to 0.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2005-10-13 at 00:10:18
Oh I see. I like that method. It's nice and simple.

I think that it'd be a little annoying to move a group of units, though, since you'd have to almost move one at a time in order to get them all through.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-10-13 at 02:40:34
My way:
Is basically using the death count idea, but without wasting a deathcount. (We all know how precious they are) You have a burrowed unit at the entrance to the area. (or if there are many buildings, you could use differing combinations of burrowed units) When you bring that burrowed unit to the location around your hero, you teleport the hero to the inside of the area.(This would run different triggers depending on the formation of the units at the entrance.) And move another location to the area of the burrowed units. When the hero goes to the unit on the inside of the building, you are teleported to the other location that was set up when you entered. While the hero is in both locations, he cannot enter the building, but when he exits the area of the location that was set up, the location goes back to some place on the map where he can't reach. (Or if you want them to be able to reenter the building without moving away and going back, you could make the second location move away after a certain time.)

The second way expands on this idea a little by simply giving the units at the entrance to another player.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-10-13 at 08:54:38
QUOTE(in_a_biskit @ Oct 12 2005, 09:10 PM)
Oh I see.  I like that method.  It's nice and simple.

I think that it'd be a little annoying to move a group of units, though, since you'd have to almost move one at a time in order to get them all through.

Yeah, that's the only problem I really see. What you could do is add a wait or add a death counter timing it off if you want to be really precise.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-10-13 at 09:12:38
When you factor in extended unit deaths / extended player unit deaths, you should have almost infinite death counts. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by WoodenFire on 2005-10-13 at 11:52:32
Ok, you can do this entrance of a place in 1 location. Here is how it works :P And this will work for every entrance that is setup close and with burrowed units.

You have a trigger that centers a large location that has a cross section between the middle and top left/topright or bottomleft/bottomright able to touch the other burrowed unit on the other side of the first burrowed unit.

When you have both burrowed units in the location, it sets a deathcounter to 1, creates a unit sumwhere on the map, sets a switch to set, w/e you prefer, and the centerlocation trigger for your hero stops because it requires that deathcounter to be either 0, or switch SET, or the specific unit you created, not on the map.

As the location that is on your hero is now un-lodged from your hero, but will happen very rapidly, the location centers on the 2nd burrowed unit, being a different burrowed unit then the entrance for this purpose, and moves your hero to it and makes deathcounter +1, set another switch ,or create another unit to provent it from just pushing your hero back and forth through the entrance/exit. Simply reactivate the herocentering at the same time.

The last trigger you should do is one that will change the deathcount from 3, to 0 to reactivate the burrowed units once there are no burrowed units in your Hero Area location.

This system uses 1 location, 1 deathcounter, but has a few limitations including Range of movment from one spot to the "inside" of a building, and if you use switches, will require 2.

I hope this little information helps someone better understand more complex triggers by using 1 location for every building/cave entrance in your map! :P Well, not too complex at all, but sorta interesting how it works how it turns off hero/centering location for a second, moves it, moves your hero, and reactivates active location. Kinda neato.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2005-10-14 at 01:38:39
That method looks like it works in an rpg, where all your units are going to be together, but I don't think it works very well if your units are allowed to be separate from one another and are allowed to enter and exit independently. That would probably require a separate 'hero location' for every unit, I would think...

Anyway, if you're really short on locations, it seems to work. You might get a few problems with really large locations near the edge of the map, though.

To modify the two-location methods to make them more multi-unit friendly, you could:
Instead of disabling the teleportation altogether until the first unit moves away, only disable the 'reverse' direction. So more units are allowed to go in the same direction, but not back again until both sides are clear.

While I'm at it, here's another method using two locations, and only two triggers: tongue.gif
When you move the units, push them out of the destination location using a building or other units so that they don't set off the reverse trigger:
¤ Player brings at least 1 men to "start beacon"
¤ Move all Beacon at "finish beacon" to "out of the way place 1"
¤ Move all men at "finish beacon" to "out of the way place 1"
¤ Move Supply Depot at "out of the way place 2" to "finish beacon"
¤ Move all men from "start beacon" to "finish beacon"
¤ Move all men at "out of the way place 1" to "finish beacon"
¤ Move Supply Depot at "finish beacon" to "out of the way place 2"
¤ Move all Beacon at "out of the way place 1" to "finish beacon"
¤ Preserve trigger
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-10-14 at 15:38:16
Using the one location method constantly centered over your main unit will work, and can also be applied to other things such as entering/leaving buildings and detecting when you have moved next to an NPC so you can talk to them, stuff like that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PCFredZ on 2005-10-14 at 21:09:37

When you bring your unit to the Enter location, move it to the Exit location and set a death.

When you bring no units to the Exit location and have the death set, clear the death.

Vice versa.

Don't overcomplicate it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Rantent on 2005-10-14 at 23:24:05
But over complicating it removes the need for an entrance location. More locations = Power!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2005-10-15 at 00:40:00
Ehh, it seems sort of complicated for something pretty simple but whatever.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by masterchiefxl on 2005-10-15 at 23:25:20
I ussually just have the unit enter, then going out is disabled for a couple of seconds, then goes back online.
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