Ok for those of you who don't know this map i'm mentioning has been in production since I joined SEN, well sort of. In number of hours it's acutally been worked on would probably be around 15 at the most. Oringally GgG-Criminal was the leader map maker of the project, I was there for ideas, and M.k.russ. would be side help. But things have changed, Criminal no longer comes online, and russ amazingly has been working on the map and doing a great job. I am certain the map will be finished, if we REALLY work on it it should be done before summer next year. We're acutally very close to making missions.
If you don't know anything about this map i'll explain it to you.
The Basics/Facts: This was started a year after VC came out, crim left it for dead and I revived his inspiration to make it one day, later on we got Russ on board who's been great help! With Crim gone me and russ are co-mapmakers, I know in past i've had arguements with russ since he didn't really respect me that much, but a lot has changed we're good friends now. So it'll only be me and russ working on this for now on.
The CityWE KNOW SAN ANDREAS IS OUT. If you want a San ANdreas map there's already one being made:
The city has some great things to it
-Awesome missions, none of which will be from the acutally VC, what's the point of making a game that butchers an already made game that you can get for 20$? All these missions are oringal and will test more SC stuff rather then a makebelieve TPS on SC
-Car Patrols. I've mentioned this in past threads cause it's quiet cool
There will be cops, bikers, taxis, vans, buses, roaming around the city at all times. As of right now there's a little bit of lag (It's not that noticable though) but that's because we see all of the map at once, when we take away map revealers it'll move a lot smoother.
-Wanted system. We're currently working on that right now, but you'll get in trouble if you cause too much damage! Like trying to hijack a cop car, you might get a wanted level!
-Propeties. Like in VC you'll be able to buy properties, you'll see classics like the Mansion in the center of VC, but you'll also be able to buy places like Ammunation where you get discounts on guns (Maybe even free)
-Hijack system. The Hijack system we have is great, there's a goon and ultra, ultra you exit out of a car, and goon you enter a car, it's dropship system for easy hotkey. Also it's made so the goon stays out till you get in a car, so there's no hard timing for fast cars.
-4 Players. Not 1, not 2. Four. Four people can play this map at a time, I would suggest 2 players to have more fun and not so all the cooler properites will be bought out, I'm not sure about the 4 players though, as of right now the city runs with 4 players but the missions might screw up stuff, we're not sure, as of right now expect four people in this map.
-No Bs, or City blowing up. This isn't anything to write home about but russ made it so you can't jsut take a flamethrower and level the entire city
StorylineAs of right now. There isn't one. I'm the storyline person for right now, but we're trying to give you the feeling of freedom. I'll probably try setting it up so you have to do a few missions (4-7) at the beginning of map, then you'll be set off to start what you want. Want to do some gang dirty work? Buy the Cafe, or work for them. Are your flight attendents smuggling drugs at the airplanes? Fix the problem and get access to airplanes! There's no order, if you really wanted to you could do side missions for a few hours and buy Ammunation which will be the most expensive to buy.
[ The Screenshots were suppose to go here but they were REALLY big for some reason.. ]
Now there are two things I can say confindently about this map this time around:
1. I made the airplane routes
(Seen in ammunation pic, currently you can jack them like in Mercenaries, but we're fixing that.. sorry)
Russ was on vacastion for a while but now he's co-leader of GgG so he has more reason to be online, plus I know his email now.
Questions? Comments?
[ New Area For Screenshots ]:
You are looking at, Airport, Race Track, Boss House (Use to have Trees) and Ammunation, the guns were crossed out by a X Ninja, oh well you'll never know ^_^.