Tileset: Space
Size: 192 x 192
Type: Trailer
Suggested Players for Trailer: 4
Size of Map: ??
Trailer Goes For: 100 Mins
+ Storyline +
In the year 2100 humanity will have the solar system now called human system, and they adventured for other planets, arriving to a unique planet, then they expanded to there, but after years in that planet a plague start expanding in that same planet. Some alien came to recall the planet and now humanity will be in need to use their best forces against them!!!
+ Info +
Trailer for the Rpg Game
+ Special Thanks +
To Clan AMMC
+ Screenshots +
Sorry no screenshots for now
A trailer that is 100 minutes long? So basically 2 hours?
LOL! Are you serious that it's 100 minutes long? Or did you do some sort of typo...because I don't think you can make a trailer 100 minutes long, only if it was just Text - wait 10000000 miliseconds - Text...or something, hell I dunno.
If it is 100 minutes, everyone would get bored and the map would be a really really big download
lol, no, not 100 minutes, lets say i forgot to delete that cause i copied it from my {hj} Trailer map, by the way go dl it so you can see how bad or good my trailers are please. ty.
someone should make sc movies...
there should be a whole team who makes sc movies..
and make them hella good..
but then again i bet you can make a map like 1 hr long as a movie just add hella sounds to it.. like from some other movies.. lol
or you can even just add like a hella tight battle theme song and make them look like they doing all these weird stuff while fighting lol..
lol yeah, very large map that would be but o well, download my trailer map {HJ} Trailer, its funny lol it goes for 1.
In association with: Clan NGM (of USWest)
My Crescent Dyne introduction is going to be 20minute un-skippable cinematic... I see no problem with a 100 minute trailer... :l
Go for it!
na its not in associated with clan ngm
WoodenFire wow dont do that ok lol..... hahahha
are you seriuos...
very very corny story
500 minerals we will never see the actual rpg for this trailer...
Don't be so negative.
You can't do a 100 minutes long trailer. There is not enough string... Unless you make a Scv dance for 100 Minutes, but that would be pointless.
Anyway, when are we suposed to see this "trailer"?
well it will take a while, i dont really know how many time, i would say in 1 month, maybe 2, and well so you bet 500 minerals that you wont see rpg? i bet 500 that you do
Psychic you really need to work on your english man..
Oh www.com.au thank you for your Great Help and cooperation, i like when you help and never throw me shiz, ty.
no problem
is this going to be a playable game or is it going to be a trailer? o and could you also fix what you claimed to be an error in stating that this "trailer" was going to be 100 minutes long.
Thats English. (No but i was being serious in what i said)
Sounds interesting. What happens if theres less than 4 players, or was that part of the HJ trailer as well..
The Exp wont be shared so, it wont do any diference if there are not 4 players. There will be a hp system as lvl up and upgrades, etc.