Whoo comments...ok, I'll try to answer some questions and provide you with what some of my ideas are.
Ok, about the minotaur. I had considered that. What I was going to do was make him the Ragnasaur and make him invincible(I say this because I don't know if attacking him will make him flee from you... and minotaurs never flee.) You're probably saying "Well what the **** is that going to do?" The answer: Kill you. I wanted to make it so that whenever you came into contact with the minotaur you would die instantly and it would say "You have been eaten by the minotaur." or something.
In game screen shots... guess I can do that. there's not much to see... but I'll get a few later.
So far the only movement problems I've seen have been with the vehicles. The only major one was with the dragoon. They refuse to move diagonally...so I don't know if I should balance his stats to make up for the movement or just get rid of him all together... I've already got too few protoss units... the main reason for that is I don't want people to:
A. Complain about cloak
B. See beyond the walls that are next to them with an observer.
C. Complain about force vision for cloak so you always know where they are.
D. Etc.
Uhm... ok. On to what I have left to do/what I want to do:
Score board for kills/killing spree(In progress) - Every five kills adds to your killing spree count, at which time it displays a different message every interval that says something like "Player 1 is on a noob spree!" etc.
Unit stat balancing(In progress) - Sigh. So tedious.
Defiler swarm that spawns infested terran(In progress) - Don't you just love it?
The only problem with this one is... I see people casting it over walls to ambush people. I'm getting a mixed feeling of joy/anger about it. Ah well, I'll leave it in.
Money at certain intervals of kills(In progress) - Since the kill limit is 50 (Might extend it to 100... there will be a bunch of comp spawns and the max human slot # is 7.) Anyway... there will be an attack/armor limit of 10 for right now. Upgrade costs will be minerals and tech/ability costs will be gas.
Give upgrade/tech buildings to players(In progress) - I just have to worry about idiots that want to lift off the terran buildings... I suppose I'll just end scenario in defeat for them or something.
Minotaur!(In progress) - Grawr. I'll need help with the idea for this one. Hm... death upon contact with him. And yes, he will be set to randomly roam the maze. I'll even make it so that if he happens to hit a teleport it will still execute the ai trigger for him so he won't stop roaming.
Extra units(Undecided) - I'll add this depending on what feedback I get. I don't know how I would set it up, either. I guess you could sacrifice a hefty sum of minerals and gas. Then again...people would want to keep that unit after paying for it... and I'm already out of room on the map so I can't store them anywhere... We'll see what happens.
Oh, and let's not forget:
CTF and Team Deathmatch(Undecided) - Depending on how well this map goes over I might adjust it and make a CTF or Team Deathmatch version.
Ok, screenshots in a little bit. Back to messing with these damn triggers.