Report, edit, etc...Posted by mc_Smurf on 2005-10-23 at 10:01:22
that's what I need from you guys.... ok so ya I just was following a tut to make infested scv's for like the 10th time, and it all works fine until I get to the save part. my problem is that when ever I finish writing out in the cmd box thingy what the tut says to do and then press enter, this error comes up "Unable to open modding" . so can anyone help me with this????
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZPD on 2005-10-23 at 11:22:26
If it's this tutorial, there's a spelling mistake that should be updated.
[tab]imgol08[tab]989 0 0p
That "p" shouldn't be there. Try it without the "p" and it should save fine.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by mc_Smurf on 2005-10-23 at 12:00:36
ok I try this >_> <_< *rushes to open icecc*
it worked! Thank you I would kiss you but your some place els... auctually I wouldn't but thanks!!!!