How do you gain participation points?
Posting in forums that give you minerals. If you signed up, and you were a member for a year but you only posted in the null, you would have 0% parcipitation. Post in other forums.
Is there something like 50 posts = 2 participation ???
No, I think its based on how long you've been a member.
I see new people with like 5 posts with like a 40%
Devilesk (GodDidIt) has a high number because he posts a lot daily.
ive joined sen for um i dont know a long time now and look at my praticpation and minerals >.<
That's because you don't have a high PPD I guess.
well i dont really post in the forum that much, lolz
meh probally 3 posts per day or something
I don't really understand participation. I think it has PPD factored in there though.
also the more minerals you get does it mean more participation you get???
15 cumulative posts
( 0.1 posts per day / 0.00% of total forum posts )
BTW, you post in the Null Forum a lot, that doesn't raise your participation.
lol death my homie if we were talking here all day i wuold have like 1000 ;D
Well if my friend sends me 900 minerals my participation doesn't increase.
If you post a cumulative post you will recieve 4 minerals I believe.
what is a cumalitive post
A cumulative post is a post that adds to your post count. It must be at least a certain amount of characters, and posted in a forum which awards minerals/post count.
Also 1 more thing, howcome sometimes when i post it doesnt add any minerals at all. Then the next incredibly beautiful with birds fluttering and the sun setting outside and then i go to school and after school i come home maybe do my homie and then probally walk slowly and peacefully to ta path to the beautiful sentual path of the road to my computer. And i turn it on and wait for some quite time while i relax and breath slowly then it loads then I sign off aim slowly but laughingly then I go on to the enternet check my email then check to go on the beautiful lively place of increidlby adventures sen. and it adds 2 minerals
I asked Yoshi or someone a while ago and even they said they didn't really know how it works. I think that's what they said.
But I think they also said you gain bars at certain post counts, I remember seeing a list somewhere, it was also with the list of what regulars/elites can do and stuff.
Find that list and tell me.
It is supposed to add minerals rawly based off of the number of characters (not including spaces) in your post. The number of minerals ranges from 0 to 16. Your post count does not increment with a 0 mineral most.
I think the script is glitchy though.
um where is the post tracker???
Your profile... you should try to do some things before you ask little questions.
Im in my profile I dont see it...
Look in your profile, by where it has your AIM name, Yahoo name and MSN name. Then look directly left and you will see "Total Cumulative Posts" followed by a number, which is your post count.
Look in your profile, by where it has your AIM name, Yahoo name and MSN name. Then look directly left and you will see "Total Cumulative Posts" followed by a number, which is your post count.
Oh aiyaa man lol i got like about a lot ( about 25 more to go )
and thanks a lot for the incredible Help wooot
I never realized that it had to be atleast a certain number of characters to get minerals im gonna start spelling stuff out instead of using numbers from now on so I can get the most possable minerals Muhahahahahahah