Operation Ace
Basic Idea
The idea is that there's a group of friends (I used my friends and my friends names for lack of creativity). These friends are part of an organization called AcE which is basically extremely talented people in some form or other (fighting for the most part, but can be things like charm too). There are 4 players who must at first find the AcE base then proceed to do AcE missions from then on.
Robert-Speedy and Team Leader
Felicity-Good Damage and Charming
Andrew-Very High Damage and High Armour (Powerhouse)
Natalie-High Luck and Charm
Things So Far
I've made a base for AcE which includes rooms (players get a specific room, cannot enter eachother's room), Several other areas in the base.
I've made a portrait system because of StarCrafts lack of many female characters (Static unless someone is talking then it displays a portrait for them).
Changing System (Can be multiple colors like there is a white uniform, a black uniform, and casual clothes).
Things I Need Help With
I need ideas!! A name would be good because Operation AcE just makes it sound like retarded. Ideas for missions would be good too because I have some ideas, but I mean there's gonna be a lot of them so it'd be nice if you guys would help with those ideas.
This should be moved to Concepts or Ideas.
No it shouldn't, I'm making this map right now... How the hell is it a concept or idea??
make some drama in the AcE Base!
i think robert has a thing for natalie....
cinematics would be cool inbetween missions where the characters act like teens or however old they are
mission 1: find Ace Base! XD the characters start out at their home town and hear about this high tech base where cool stuff happens, therefore they go in search of it (independently or as a group) when they find it........
mission 2: the base detects the presence of intruders and sets off its defenses, sending robots and cameras with lasers at you, the smart one (one of the girls?) has to go to the main computer to shut down the defenses, making the place home sweet home
mission 3: after some time when they move into the base and get rooms and explore it, the computer suddenly teleports them to a big room (the command room) this room is where they get briefed on all of the missions from then on, the first mission is to stop a group of (bad guys) from invading the base because they detected that its defenses were down (for some reason they didnt achieve shutting down the defenses when 4 teens did)
mission 4: ......cant think of anything........
Lol nice, thanks. I had an idea for someone having a thing for someone, but not Robert for Natalie (already happened a while back) I'm Robert and Natalie is like one of my best friends. Natalie in actual life actually has a thing for Andrew now :-P. Felicity is a hot girl. Actually I'll just give a rundown of all of us in real life so you can have an idea what I'm working with.
Robert (Me)- I'm smart, kinda small though I'm speedy though like the game.
Natalie- Very emotional person, not hot, but still pretty. Can be very lucky (reason unknown to me, it pisses me off sometimes) My best (girl) friend.
Andrew- He's my best friend. He is a big dude, not particularly speedy but he's really strong and really hard to hurt.
Felicity- Very hot can charm anyone, but tends to get over emotional over things said lightly (not sure how this could be incorporated but I'm sure it could). Very strong for a girl, one of my good friends.
QUOTE(NerdyTerdy @ Oct 27 2005, 07:51 PM)
Lol nice, thanks. I had an idea for someone having a thing for someone, but not Robert for Natalie (already happened a while back) I'm Robert and Natalie is like one of my best friends. Natalie in actual life actually has a thing for Andrew now :-P. Felicity is a hot girl. Actually I'll just give a rundown of all of us in real life so you can have an idea what I'm working with.
Robert (Me)- I'm smart, kinda small though I'm speedy though like the game.
Natalie- Very emotional person, not hot, but still pretty. Can be very lucky (reason unknown to me, it pisses me off sometimes) My best (girl) friend.
Andrew- He's my best friend. He is a big dude, not particularly speedy but he's really strong and really hard to hurt.
Felicity- Very hot can charm anyone, but tends to get over emotional over things said lightly (not sure how this could be incorporated but I'm sure it could). Very strong for a girl, one of my good friends.
dam......i imagined natalie as the hot one and felicity being the serious soldier type who's very skilled in almost everything related to the military (handles guns well, can work any vehicle, superb flying skills, great strategic tactics)
hmm..... this map has lots of potential from my point of view.... try not to mess it up XD
Haha thanks, yeah I think it does, Felicity is the more skilled one in my mind too, she's sleeker more athletic. Natalie is thought of as kinda hot at school I mean when I went out with her my popularity increased like tenfold everyone's like damn Robbie you went with Natalie? lol. Felicity isn't terribly serious unless she's pissed.. Actually Natalie has lots of luck, but a lot of time it works in like reverse. She happens to be really accident prone :-P that could be a fun thing. I'm thinking either I'm gonna have something go on between Robert (Me) and Felicity or Natalie and Andrew.. I'm still thinking I need a better map name. So far I can't come up with shiz. There is a slight problem with the defense system mission. The base isn't like huge so it wouldn't be hard to find the thing, and the defense system is basically a bunch of cannons covered by Robotics Facilities, but I made it look good of course. I would like to keep it more of a defense system that detects enemies and allies. I was thinking of a mission where there would be like a jail that they had to rescue say like an AcE leader. There would be alarms and everything :-D. Thanks for the suggestions o-0 please continue
. I just realized I neglected to inform you about part of the storyline, there is this guy, Cole (he's also part of AcE but seems more like a shady character, untrustworthy, pretty athletic, very similar to Robert, they have a rivalry, Cole starts out stronger than Robert, but Robert upgrades more powerfully), that I don't really like, but Natalie does (friend way only) and so that could cause controversy, then later Cole turns against AcE. I still have to find a way to make the computer upgrade... I hope something comes to mind... I need to figure out a way to make a computer mind control another computer
(I think it's in tutorials) so that I could have a computer mind control another comp unit at a certain point to upgrade. That works right?? I have to go for the night, I'll get on whenever possible next time. I'll try to get on at school, but I doubt if I can because I won't have much time near computers :-\.
Anyhow I discovered an error, but I think I figured how to fix it. Today I was testing and I discovered that you get special abilities when you mind control, but you don't get upgrades. I thought of several solutions, tell me which you think is best. I need to have Cole (enemy) upgrade in the game, so I figured I had the options of either making him have high power upgrades and use an AI Script to give him an upgrade every once in a while (With computers you have a maximum of 3 upgrades
. I also thought that I could say that at first he uses a high speed gun (marine), but later decides that he prefers a slower speed higher damage gun (ghost). Then I could have 3 ghosts left for upgrades, so he'd have 4 upgrades through out the game. I think I'm gonna combine them have 4 stages as a marine then 3 as a ghost. He'll be the marine for a while then get an upgrade, then another, then another, then he changes to ghost, then another ghost, then another. That's 7.
I added a clock basically like WoodenFire described in his map (sorry for the idea steal, but it sounded really great, I'll give credit if you want). I just thought of what to do, I gotta post the unit stats (I forgot to do that earlier). They are as follows:
Robert- 8300 Max Health, 7 Base Damage, 7 Damage Per Upgrade, 0 Base Armour
Felicity- 6600 Max Health, 12 Base Damage, 12 Damage Per Upgade, 0 Base Armour
Andrew- 9900 Max Health, 20 Base Damage, 10 Damage Per Upgrade, 3 Base Armour
Natalie- 7000 Max Health, 10 Base Damage, 10 Damage Per Upgade, 1 Base Armour
Cole- 7300 Max Health, 14 Base Damage, 28 Damage Per Upgrade, 4 Base Armour
Keep in mind Cole is allied to you at first, but later joins the evil side so he is a computer player, thus his upgrades are going to be very hard to do and they'll max at 3 so he has to upgrade with high damage. His purpose is to start out way ahead of the party, but to later become weaker.
I've added a sort of like movie-scene where the players come upon a dying man, he dies then everyone gets all emotional while Robert seems to remain cold to the situation.. I'm going to make this be of some importance later, but I don't know how. Suggestions? QUOTE(NerdyTerdy @ Oct 29 2005, 10:19 AM)
I've added a sort of like movie-scene where the players come upon a dying man, he dies then everyone gets all emotional while Robert seems to remain cold to the situation.. I'm going to make this be of some importance later, but I don't know how. Suggestions?
You could reveal him to be the murderer later on. ZOMG PLOT TWIST!!!!one!

I'm not really sure what to give feedback on... There isn't much to go from yet. Maybe get some screenshots up and change a few things. I don't know, maybe it's just me... But I think your character's names are a little.... Awkward. But, as I said, they may fit perfectly into your map. I'll post back later. Mainly because I only give feedback if the thread or the map is still being made. So, I'll check back later too see how production has come along.
Alright tell me anything you want to know and if it's complete I can tell you about it (my mind wanders a lot so I forget details and add them in at later times). Robert is not going to be the murderer lol because when they come upon the man he says Please tell no one of this..... I'd rather just die in pea...... and he dies. Then there's a short dialogue where everyone is stunned, but it seems like Robert has just developed a cold shell to the world. This also adds 10 experience for the party (I made it so you get 40 experience fighting the initial monsters and you need 50 to get to level 2) This area where they see the man die is kind of secluded, so it is a chance to get to level 2 which at this early point in the game will basically double your stats (it'll make the next fight ahead much much easier). Let me explain the AcE organization to you. They are basically an academy (A school for special instruction.) where they learn through experience, because being at the academy you have to do missions for them and you become experienced through these missions.
Sure thing, it's not extended terrain or anything I just made a little base with the normal isom terrain editor
, but I'll take some screenies of the AcE Base and the rooms and stuff. I'll even take screenies of the changing system.
Adding a few screenies.
Woot I did it !!
! Most of them show the changing system some show the first part of the base with the rooms.
Come on people I need feedback now!!!! MONSTER ROAR !!!! I will eat you if you don't give me feedback and ideas... Please I beg you people... 
-Final mission, big Normandy style assault. Or just tons of guns everywhere, still makes for a nice end.
-Sentry guns, put an invinc trap under a missle turret/stationary defense and when the stationary building is killed, the trap under it is also destroyed using triggers. Especially neat when an "explosion" is also triggered.
-Airstrikes. I don't need to elaborate.

-Base gets attacked. Especially by a whole ton of enemies. Could work for the final mission idea stated at the top of this post.
-Character abilities that bolster their strenghts/defend against their weaknesses. Like for example, a smart but weak character could have a strong offensive/defensive ability to compliment their strengths/weaknesses.
-Humor, unless it doesn't fit with the mood somehow.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't really like the idea of the base being attacked that sorta goes against my idea of the flow for the game. The base has invincible cannons under those Robotics Facilities so that's the defense system. Characters abilities are sort of like that like Natalie is a weaker character, but she will have a certain luck factor like perhaps every once in a while when being attacked she'll spawn a 9999 dmg unit that lasts for about a second but destroys the shiz around (not in boss fights obviously). Humor is sort of against the mood, I meant it to be more of a sad/serious map. There might be some romance in it though. The missions are planned to be out of base things. Example is something like they will have to rescue a director of AcE from a prison and escape the prison fighting guards on the way in and out.
well the organization ace are they part of the government? or just some group of friends(like the justice league... lol) the power that they workfor reflects on the type of missions they will do. it is a very nice map. thier powerrs seem to be perfect for that of a spy :0 or criminals. maybe the orginization can be called angels sanctum?
Well they definetly aren't part of the government, they ene that you have to find which shows a man dying and the players getting sort of emotional about it, but Robert just stays sort of cold through out it. I considered making Robert the passionate shoulder to cry on guy, but I decided against it, might make for interesting stuff later... This emotional scene will give the players the extra 10 experience points needed to get to Level 2 which will make starting the first mission a lot easier because otherwise they'd have to fight a mech guard to get to level 2 and they wouldn't be able to heal to get their health to where it would be at 6% of max instead of 3%. The mech guards will be goliaths for sure. I want to make the prison a five floor prison, I'll have to decide on a method for how to do that. Anyhow more suggestions please I'm definetly going to incorporate a lot of these into the map in some form or other.
K, more ideas on this map from me:
you said that the base has personnel in it, but my first idea about the characters finding an abandoned base contradicts that
i think it would be better with only the characters being in the base, with the computer maintaining it
i also think that the defenses shouldnt be invincible because when the characters first go in the base, the base attacks them, so the characters should be able to fight back
this would destroy the preplaced defenses.....so make the defenses made by triggers (placing robotic units, cannons without pylons(enable doodad state), etc)
about Cole, i think that he should be a loner type of guy that the characters find and make part of the team. The others have some doubts about him but Robert (being the nice guy that i think he is) trusts him with his life. Then eventually Cole becomes the bad guy after he is discovered to be the killer of that man

and the man could be a close family friend to Robert, which made him extremely depressed, but Robert didnt want to tell the others because he knew better than to make them even more depressed. When Cole is discovered to be the killer, Robert and his *team* vows to kill him.
I think a raid to the base would be an excelent idea because when the base is destroyed, the team has only one thing to do, which is to kill Cole (Cole will have been the leader of the raid)
^_^ hope that was helpful
did you like the dead guy's story? XD
and yes you can go on b.net and test the map with me
Dammit something is wrong with SEN I tried to just edit my post and it screwed the whole thing up so now I have to start it over, grrr! Anyhow I was saying that the idea was nice, but it sorta contradicted the idea of the map. The map is supposed to be where AcE is a big organization with other groups of people working for it. This will just be one group and they'll do missions or whatever, Cole will be assigned to their team for a shortwhile but will later quit and join the evil side, while he is on the team Robert and him have a fierce rivalry.. o-0 I also wanted to meet up with you on B.Net if possible.
Okay, get online and come to Op OpZ)G(.
I just want to add that I just tested the map with o-0 and he asked if he could steal some of the ideas from my map (proof that it's pawnage).
People I need more suggestions, the ones so far have been excellent and I need more. Anyone post any thought that comes to mind any idea might help me, because even if you think it's stupid I may see it differently and build on it to make it into a good idea to incorporate into the map.
lol lots of text stacking..
man you write a lot.. cant keep up with it if i didnt start from the start

make it short to the point
hmm, hmm sounds pretty fun if your bored, good luck with it.
I like text stacking lol, it's easy and it makes it look more professional in my opinion. It shows you put some time into your map, or atleast it looks like you put some time into your map lol. I myself can overlap pretty much anything perfectly on the first try, occassionally there is a weird word that I mess up on, but whatever... Hertz why'd you say it looks fun IF you're bored?? It's supposed to be fun even if you're not bored, I think it will be..... ROAR I don't like that comment.... Whatever everyone is entitled to their own opinions...
lol.. You're running a hack?? And you screenshot it too.. GOOD JOB!

That issue has already been addressed in the shoutbox. I run the hack solely for the purpose of seeing like things in the map when I forget revealers and stuff, it makes my job easier, so I don't see anything wrong with it, seeing as I'm not using it to affect anyone elses gameplay. It saves me probably an average of 15-30 minutes a day which I could use for something else. Is that a good enough explanation for you or are you going to say "IT'S STILL HACKING U H4XOR!!" I hate people that do that...
Come on guys, I need suggestions badly, for one thing could you try and think of a way that I could make a 5 floor prison?? I also need ideas for missions after we've rescued the headmaster of AcE.
Well i think making a flooring system would be pretty easy. you just have to make an elevator or staircase that will acend or decend on the map. then you will have to make 5 seperate floors. this is good BUT it will take up a lot of space.
and you still havent answered my question about what the ace orginization actually does or what it works for. all you said was that they dont work for the government....
The AcE organization doesn't work for anyone, except I guess it's members sort of, they are a freelance organization that teaches members by having them do missions, these missions also benefit AcE, so it's a even give/take relationship. The problem is I don't want the flooring system to take up like half of the map, I want to be able to have room for like 25-50 missions, so each mission has to take up a pretty small amount of space. I think I shall change the first mission to something more like the new AcE members have to go through a simulated battle course where they will fight mech guards and stuff, but if they lose they get kicked out of AcE (Game Over.) After that they will be graded on performance such as how fast they completed the mission. This will determine their salary per day. The salary could range from $0 a day to $3000 a day. Then a written test would be taken to determine more parts of their salary, or the difficulty of their missions. If they do good on the written test then they will get the more important missions to AcE and will overall do better in the game. I think at the end of the game (if they beat it of course) I will give them an overall score between 0 and 10. It can be better or worse depending on how well they completed each mission and how quickly they completed it and based on like 10 or so tests. It would give the people playing a reason to play again.