I just noticed that the Affiliates bar is blank, what happened, that was the easiest way for me to get to stormcoastfortress(i always misspell the URL).
Moose took over. Since he's so narcissisitic, he immeadiatly made SEN an affiliateless island.
The affiliates died when the sever died and all the posts and stuff were reset.
The posts reset?
That must mean they were restored.. wouldnt that mean that the affiliates were restored also?
unless Dr.Shotgun is correct.
The posts and # of members were restored, but the affiliates were not.
That sounds interesting..
Thern we should become affiliates once more.. Sites like www.stormcoast-fortress.net are really useful ass affiliates.
Go SI.
The crime is not restoring the affiliates right away..
By the way, what does ' narcissisitic' mean?
QUOTE(Dr.Shotgun @ Oct 31 2005, 08:45 PM)
Moose took over. Since he's so narcissisitic, he immeadiatly made SEN an affiliateless island.
I don't think that's true. How would you know? I wouldn't start stateing false facts about Moose.
I think Dr.Shotgun is just joking. Why would anyone say anything bad about Mr. Moose!? It is impossible to think like that.
They're all saved, but not displayed. I'll have to dig through the code sometime.
By the way, what does ' narcissisitic' mean?
I beleive Narcissistic means up yourself.. like your proud of yourself.
Which i dont think Moose ha to much of a problem with..
Narcissism: An inordinate fascination with oneself.
Go mental dictionary.
For a 13 year old Dr.Shotgun sure does have an immense vocab.
I just read a lot. Yeah, and I was joking. I think it says somewhere on the staff page that he's the official narcissist of SEN.
Narcissistic is being selfish to the extent of not being totally aware of other people, their needs or feelings.
I myself was wondering what happened to the affilerate section...
Sites worthy of being affilerated with need to be restored