I was wondering, for a mod I'm considering working on, is it possible to use Warcraft 3 and/or Warcraft 2 sprites in Starcraft, and vice-versa? And if so, would WinMPQ be able to extract said sprites from said games?
If anyone has any info to contributed, I'd be very thankful.
WarCraft 3 uses 3D models, so getting sprites from that game won't work. I'm not sure, but I think WC2's graphics are in the same format as SCs (just with a different extension), so if that's the case converting them would be very easy.
warcraft3's 3dmodels, u can render that models to bmp and flc(that's animaition file)by any 3d software(ex: 3dsmax,maya,lightwave, and anything can render WC3 mdx file )
i suggest 3dsmax and Milkshape3d
WC2 just covert file format to SC useable
plus : World of Wacraft model can import and render too by 3dsmax
Hm..alright. Thanks. I think I can figure out the rest from there.