I will probably collaborate my finnal map as an RP.
Fully extended terrain of course, and RPG creatable controls that are much simpler then normal rps...
I will use a scrollable unit selector for your spawner that shows the middle selected unit, the 2 on the left, the 2 on the right, and you may scroll in either direction as fast or slow as you want!
Another system will identify how many you want spawned by selecting a number. I will make this a Siege Tank system where sieging the tanks represent Up/Down on the numbers, 1,3,5,10,20,40 for the numbers available.
(Notice im talking about my RP, so maybe you could take some of the ideas

I will have an RPG selection gateway scrolling system similar to the unit spawn selector that uses text messages to display the option you are on. Just a few of the options would be to create a RPG Inn spot, RPG upgrade center spot, Different Level auto spawn spot and patrol spot. These would create burrowed units that are used to represent an area to heal, upgrade from a building that is in the facinity, and spawn whereever you want with special spawning effects like Arbiter recall, fade-in, ect... There will also be a target move spot for when your hero or unit pay and heal at inn that they move to a target destination within the area.
To set these up, you will cycle through all of these spots for units that are in the area ( only ground units for inn and upgrades for hero) that will go around checking for units, once they are found, it will charge the amount once, move to the end-area if available (not activate without an end-sight) and will work perfectly for any # of units without having locations follow a one certain hero. Same for spawns and upgrades it will use checking around all of the burrowed units to see for units that activate the spawn and will spawn once and have a cooldown.
As well as an uncountable number of excellent terrain pieces and areas with full doodads and perfect areas for Rp'ers designed by Rp'ers.
Oh yea, all units, will be name-less for use in a Modern RPG, Medevil RPG, Space RPG, etc... I will have in addition to the spawn and amount variables, will be a % Of Life spawn, which works with units so I have all units have 7500-9750 life to be used as a hero, boss, or anything you wish, or you may spawn them at 1% life for 75-97 life units, or 100% for boss units, guards, town units, etc... Damage will be around 20% of the 1% life of the unit, and upgrades will be around 1/4th of the starting damage universally so you can tell what the upgrade will be, before you make the upgrade.
I might even designate in the beginning of the RP, who are the Hero's, and who are the Towns, and determine who is Evil, and who is Not. I can then setup a TBC/RTC flip system for town to town, town to town WITH heroes, Town against hero, hero vs hero, and other combonations like normal RPG spawner system with rtc.
Tons of ideas for an RP, too bad no one has ever applyed them, (most rp map makers arn't the most experenced with terrain or triggers...)

hope some of this helps you out with ideas.