Hello, for my mod I was thinking about maybe making a Story plot to it but I was wondering if you can use triggers and locations for the maps on the mod.
If anyone has and info on this please reply
You can use the campaigns, or do what I am doing for a mod that I am making and have it read specific file types that are premade maps.
So you cant have it be like a RpG modded game with the trigger UmS style?
Here ill make it more clear
Like a Scenerio like and RpG with triggers and stuff with the modded game?
Well if you have the mpq you can use Mpqdraft to make the changes you made visible in staredit.You only have to click on starcraft icon and then on the staredit icon.I make an attachment that show how to do it,click where the "hand" show you.
Nevermind I tested it on Tree Def a couple minutes ago and it works thanks for your help tho