with a few corrections this map can be really nice.
First of make sure to decide how you want the chokes to be blocked, and then make them even. as it is now i think it is the right pos which have a bigger choke.
When not using ramps as chokes, make sure they are quite small since that will give protoss a chance to defend it vs zerg.
Second, the symmetry. The map tends to lean i little bit to the right which hurts my eye a bit
The center has enough space to be constructed in a way that gives more emphasis on strategy. perhaps more trees and such to hide under. A symetrical design will also recieve better response from the random shallow player
lastly the expos, the first exp is not bad, but it wil be very hard for zerg to defend good on 2 fronts. Perhaps add a little expansion at the first choke in the main base so z can fast exp there with some gain.
For other races the first exp will be cool in tactical points of view.
Also make the island a littl bigger so its not too easy securable.
Dont give up on this, it can be really nice