Anyways to all of you, I haven't yet to talk about my map. As far as I'm concerned, building a town is only optional as to playing. Rather than just killing pets in the game, building is 1 of the more only things you can do. One idea is to unally each other, take a sector(whichever you want) and then have war! This is not a trigger in the game but something just fun
. Building may not be the only thing you can do in the game. Remember, I said I haven't yet to talk about my map yet.
P.S.- Reply to this for any other questions or problems you thought of.
Funny phrase of the day: Haha Gameover, haha waste your time, haha.
Unlike many Sims games, there is an optional win objective in the game. Although, if you get bored and want to leave, you might want to try the objective first instead of leaving in shame. The Objective is simple but hard. There are many sectors in the map, but one on the south east corner is a Sector that holds the victory. To get to many sectors, you have to find a Warp Tunnel(Warp Gate) and sometimes they'll lead you to a diffrent Sector. Some just lead you back to one you were just on. You'll have to find the Warp Tunnel to that Sector. Prepare all your pets and units for battle. It'll be the biggest base there. The Base surrounds the winning Warp Tunnel which in the Sims Pet Planet story line, will lead to another 1/100 continent of the huge Pet Planet.
P.S.- The Objective may seem silly, but is harder and more willing other than to just quit the mission.
Funny phrase of the reply:*farts* hahaha!
I'm back with new things to tell about the map. Every Sector found, there'll be pets....of course. But in the Sector there can also be civilized areas you can shop in. Since the map size is 256x256, there'll be more than enough room to run around in. That might be all the new things in the first version but....I'll give you a sneak peek into the 2nd version. Not that any version is made yet.
The 2nd version will be more seperated. More civilized but more room for you to run around in.
P.S.- Don't run in mud, it'll get your shoes dirty. lol
Funny phrase of the reply: *BOOM* sorry....
this does not sound like sims pet planet at all... some kind of weird sin maybe your "2nd version" will but i wonder if it will ever come out :\ well you said you like this type of map and ppl like different type of map so i guess ill way till the 2nd version comes out.