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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Sims Pet Planet
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZealotArchon on 2005-11-08 at 21:49:35
I've started on this map recently ago. I'm trying to finish it but I don't have good "formatting" or the skills of putting stuff in a good formation without playing it. pinch.gif Anyways this map will be sort of like Pokemon Catchers but much more different. When you kill a "pet" you automatically receive it on the First Sector. The map size is 256x256. So it'll rather be big. The smile.gif side to this is that all that land is yet not civilized. So YOU have to build it. I got the ideas from when I first played the SC map Sims Vacation 5.8. For some confused.gif reason I like it ALOT. So I got this idea. I plan to make future maps like this but except without the Pet Objective and more things like restraunts and stuff.

Reply to this if you want to advise me about this or you just wanna shout out BOO!!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-08 at 22:27:12
man i like the idea where everythign is already based out then you play in that place..

dont like where you build.. it gets gay sometime..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PHI on 2005-11-08 at 22:38:54
well i dont think buildings is that bad if you have alot of terrain like bridges cliffs etc etc
and give people not quite so muhc room to build
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Joshgt2 on 2005-11-08 at 22:45:41
QUOTE(ZealotArchon @ Nov 8 2005, 09:49 PM)
I've started on this map recently ago. I'm trying to finish it but I don't have good "formatting" or the skills of putting stuff in a good formation without playing it. pinch.gif Anyways this map will be sort of like Pokemon Catchers but much more different. When you kill a "pet" you automatically receive it on the First Sector. The map size is 256x256. So it'll rather be big. The  smile.gif side to this is that all that land is yet not civilized. So YOU have to build it. I got the ideas from when I first played the SC map Sims Vacation 5.8. For some  confused.gif reason I like it ALOT. So I got this idea. I plan to make future maps like this but except without the Pet Objective and more things like restraunts and stuff.

Reply to this if you want to advise me about this or you just wanna shout out BOO!!!!

happy.gifhappy.gif^ 256x256???!!! Kinda big for building everything... I would be hoping that the community you are building in is in the state of Wyoming where there are more cows than people and there is so much land...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2005-11-08 at 22:48:44
Well buidling.. May be gay but if you add some stuff to it... Like building your own town... and like make your own prices you may be able to get somewhere??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CrazyNinja on 2005-11-08 at 22:50:33
OH i know =/
make natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. like in Sim City closedeyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-08 at 23:06:01
or maybe only 1 guy who can build.. ane he must be smart or game is gay
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2005-11-08 at 23:06:27
To quote maddox, anywhere that has more cows than people doesn't deserve to be a state.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sipher on 2005-11-08 at 23:19:29
Hmm, well I didnt particularly like pokemon catchers, not because it had to do with pokemon, just dont like those sort of games. With yours, I hope it isnt exactly the same. But anyway, my opinion doesnt really matter wink.gif Good luck with your map, and may the force be with you.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-08 at 23:26:13
btw you dont catch pets you buy them...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-10 at 22:11:51
im talking about my ideas lol and how you usally get pets lol...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CrazyNinja on 2005-11-10 at 22:21:06
I still gotta go with my first post
if it is a sim like game
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-10 at 22:28:25
QUOTE(CrazyNinja00 @ Nov 10 2005, 07:21 PM)
I still gotta go with my first post
if it is a sim like game

not true its sims pet not sim city
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sipher on 2005-11-10 at 22:29:04
Buy them...Odd I thought he said you kill them and then you get them, I could be wrong though. ? Or are you talking about pokemon catchers the game.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CrazyNinja on 2005-11-10 at 22:36:42
It could be Sims but with pets closedeyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe)r( on 2005-11-11 at 10:38:37
sims has pets already, so its just Sims... or atleast THe Sims ONLINE has pets. anyway good idea ZealotArchon.

Edit: Did you guys notice that the guy who made the topic hasnt said one thing since the first post?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-11 at 11:49:43
Did you guys notice that the guy who made the topic hasnt said one thing since the first post?

i notice that alot

btw how would you be able to enter building and stuff if everyone builds the town...

maybe... only 1 guy can build the town..

and like if he builds a supply depot lets say thats the pet store... and you will move to a different location while leaving something back infront at the door... and once you do exit you will come back to the location where you left that something. Then you can have the store work while you can build your own town wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZealotArchon on 2005-11-11 at 17:11:44
smile.gif smile.gif Ok ok! I'm going to answer you're questions now.
Q: Why do you have 256x256 room?
A: Even though I don't need that much room, some of my recent maps have always been too small but they had big ideas. Also to add to that, people would like much more room to run around in like the little pigs they are! tongue.gif Anyways there are islands in the game called Sectors. The first sector you go into is Sector Myre.
Q: How will this be like Pokemon Catchers?
A: Quite easy. In Pokemon Catchers, when you kill a pokemon you sometimes get it. Same thing in Sims Pet Planet but this time, there are far more ways to get Pets. You just have to find them out though smile.gif .
Q: When is this going to be released?
A: The truth is, I don't know either. Maps this big and full of stuff to do would probably take a maximum of 1 week or a month. Side to that, I have School and homework and all those educationally retarded things. And also sometimes I forget to work on it and work on other maps ohmy.gif . So based on this question, it'll take probably a year. Not being lazy or anything cry.gif ,but I have far more things to do.
Q: Are there going to be more versions?
A: Yes, there is going to be more w00t.gif . Although, between each version there'll be new stuff and different Sectors. Unless I have to change the same map sometimes, it'll be all the same unless it is "perfect".
Q: Will this be cool?
A: Depends on which kind of maps you play. If you play melee alot, then it'll be thrilling and new. If you play UMS, it might not be that cool but it'll be at least something. If you played Sims Maps alot, this'll be a new adventure. w00t.gif smile.gif .
Last Q: What details gave you this specific idea?
A: As I told in the first post, I played Sims Vacation v5.8 which was much more different. You could build your own town with friends, make up stuff as you go, and jsut have fun. I got the idea sooner than expected, and began to work on it. But not too soon after, I began getting bored and forgot about it. Once I got the better chance to play SC again, I immediately started working on it.

I hope this answers everything!

P.S.- Reply if you either are constipated or wanna shout out BOO, you suck!!! Or any other reason.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-11 at 17:14:17
Sorry but i really disagree only 1 person should be building the town and have limits also depends on how that 1 person does you can access new shops and etc. and you should buy/ make pets better then catching them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZealotArchon on 2005-11-11 at 17:20:49
Many of your posts motivate me more, but I maybe in over my head(or brain haha). mad.gif Anyways, I hope at least this map will be an "average" popular game. You know, appearing on the Game Room menu every once in a while? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif This'll be a cool map though. At least it'll look cool. You'll change your minds when you play 2000000008 huh.gif huh.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-11 at 17:23:25
i hope so if you want it to pop in the game room once in a while you have to make it so its interesting simple and different everytime you do it.. and maybe also find a person who really loves the map and play it ever day... i mean there is atleast a few ppl who will love your map but never get it but once they get hold of it it will be more popular

wait forgot to ask you this question but whats the objective/point of the map.... pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZealotArchon on 2005-11-12 at 10:38:31
biggrin.gif ohmy.gif Anyways to all of you, I haven't yet to talk about my map. As far as I'm concerned, building a town is only optional as to playing. Rather than just killing pets in the game, building is 1 of the more only things you can do. One idea is to unally each other, take a sector(whichever you want) and then have war! This is not a trigger in the game but something just fun tongue.gif . Building may not be the only thing you can do in the game. Remember, I said I haven't yet to talk about my map yet. smile.gif

P.S.- Reply to this for any other questions or problems you thought of.

Funny phrase of the day: Haha Gameover, haha waste your time, haha.

Unlike many Sims games, there is an optional win objective in the game. Although, if you get bored and want to leave, you might want to try the objective first instead of leaving in shame. The Objective is simple but hard. There are many sectors in the map, but one on the south east corner is a Sector that holds the victory. To get to many sectors, you have to find a Warp Tunnel(Warp Gate) and sometimes they'll lead you to a diffrent Sector. Some just lead you back to one you were just on. You'll have to find the Warp Tunnel to that Sector. Prepare all your pets and units for battle. It'll be the biggest base there. The Base surrounds the winning Warp Tunnel which in the Sims Pet Planet story line, will lead to another 1/100 continent of the huge Pet Planet.

P.S.- The Objective may seem silly, but is harder and more willing other than to just quit the mission.

Funny phrase of the reply:*farts* hahaha!

I'm back with new things to tell about the map. Every Sector found, there'll be pets....of course. But in the Sector there can also be civilized areas you can shop in. Since the map size is 256x256, there'll be more than enough room to run around in. That might be all the new things in the first version but....I'll give you a sneak peek into the 2nd version. Not that any version is made yet.

The 2nd version will be more seperated. More civilized but more room for you to run around in.

P.S.- Don't run in mud, it'll get your shoes dirty. lol

Funny phrase of the reply: *BOOM* sorry....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-12 at 11:20:48
QUOTE(ZealotArchon @ Nov 12 2005, 07:38 AM)
biggrin.gif  ohmy.gif Anyways to all of you, I haven't yet to talk about my map. As far as I'm concerned, building a town is only optional as to playing. Rather than just killing pets in the game, building is 1 of the more only things you can do. One idea is to unally each other, take a sector(whichever you want) and then have war! This is not a trigger in the game but something just fun tongue.gif . Building may not be the only thing you can do in the game. Remember, I said I haven't yet to talk about my map yet. smile.gif

P.S.- Reply to this for any other questions or problems you thought of.

Funny phrase of the day:  Haha Gameover, haha waste your time, haha.

Unlike many Sims games, there is an optional win objective in the game. Although, if you get bored and want to leave, you might want to try the objective first instead of leaving in shame. The Objective is simple but hard. There are many sectors in the map, but one on the south east corner is a Sector that holds the victory. To get to many sectors, you have to find a Warp Tunnel(Warp Gate) and sometimes they'll lead you to a diffrent Sector. Some just lead you back to one you were just on. You'll have to find the Warp Tunnel to that Sector. Prepare all your pets and units for battle. It'll be the biggest base there. The Base surrounds the winning Warp Tunnel which in the Sims Pet Planet story line, will lead to another 1/100 continent of the huge Pet Planet.

P.S.- The Objective may seem silly, but is harder and more willing other than to just quit the mission.

Funny phrase of the reply:*farts* hahaha!

I'm back with new things to tell about the map. Every Sector found, there'll be pets....of course. But in the Sector there can also be civilized areas you can shop in. Since the map size is 256x256, there'll be more than enough room to run around in. That might be all the new things in the first version but....I'll give you a sneak peek into the 2nd version. Not that any version is made yet.

The 2nd version will be more seperated. More civilized but more room for you to run around in.

P.S.- Don't run in mud, it'll get your shoes dirty. lol

Funny phrase of the reply: *BOOM* sorry....

this does not sound like sims pet planet at all... some kind of weird sin maybe your "2nd version" will but i wonder if it will ever come out :\ well you said you like this type of map and ppl like different type of map so i guess ill way till the 2nd version comes out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZealotArchon on 2005-11-14 at 16:38:06
Truthfully speaking, I have even released 1st version. Even though it is almost done, I still need my friends to test it out. It has been tested out with half all the tuff needed, they said it was pretty fun w00t.gif Problem is, 2nd version doesn't have many votes. They said 2nd version was pretty out of order. It was pretty unstable. And the reason this doesn't sound like a Sims game is because it's more( ever thought of that mad.gif )

P.S.- I am not doing the funny phrases anymore because boyscout here is making fun of me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2005-11-15 at 01:58:38
meh i feel bad for making fun of you this seem more like an RP/Pokemon cather with... talking and walking and pretendnig your a pet wink.gif

just not my game style i keep posting becuse i got great ideas once i saw that title tongue.gif

maybe we can all make a game called "My Pet Zergling" some day.................
but i bet i will never be making it i have like a list of maps i want to make tongue.gif and having a pet zergling map i dont think i like to play it to much i usally like to play my maps pinch.gif well good luck
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