Question: Would you rather have an rpg that was based on a good storyline where you were to accomplish on task and then act upon your previous actions. Or would you rather have a sort of open ended storyline, where you could take smaller quests that had less relation to each other.
Most rpgs out there are one of these two categories, where you either have a variety of quests to do, each one not holding much meaning in them, or one central goal throughout the game.
I like option one.
I feel as if you can get involved with the map, storyline, and the characters. It really captures the illusion of actually playing a "real" RPG.
sc to limited so it depends
well i mean even if you had a story line i mean it has to be real... good and the game play also...
however the draw back is after i play it once im like meh dont wanna play again.. if you really make a game thast semi open ended... i mean with random stuff happening depending on what you do i would atleast play it 10 times if it has decent storyline that follows what your doing and leads to different ways
I prefer games where the outcome is always basically the same, but there are lots of quests that aren't essential to the main plot (sort of like Baldur's Gate, the one on computer anyway). Basically, I prefer RPGs with both of them in it.
i like the second choice since you can make it a long game.
diffrent mission and if you beat it at a certain time you get extra secret missions.
its more fun this way even if the RPG is like 2 hours long or more.
As minigame said, option two has more possibilities.
Making one storyline is good, but it's simply boring after a while.
Now if you randomize the quests
Oh, and make it so that the players actions can change storyline.
Like if you rescue someone, he solves a riddle for you and you continue, and if you dont, you guess and get it wrong and you get sucked into boss battle or something similar (thats one idea, I know you can think of more)
I don't mind either. I think what matters the most is the ease of playing (i.e., interface). Multiple storylines, if implemented poorly, would make playing a hassle instead of fun, but if done right, does add a nice twist and replayability factor.
another good one is rpg thats kinda based on like defence.. i guess.. like DBZ saga you have to train and etc.. kinda boring but then the time is set and you have to be ready by then... and also some other games like that.. there pretty interesting..
i like rpgs with multiple plots with most coming together and some being just for fun