I didn't really make this map for playing, it's more of a map to use if you need random values. I have a Yes/No randomizer, an ABCD randomizer (tests), and then several number randomizers. They are 0-3, 0-7, 0-63, 0-127, 0-255, 0-511, 0-1023, 0-2047, 0-4095, 0-8191. It's not very attractive, but it's for usefulness, not visual effects.
so is it even a game... meh whats it exactly about.. or a map with like 100 test of randomizing triggers...
I made a large number randomization map a while ago in the concepts forum, but nobody cared about it. In fact, they said that it was old stuff.
By the way, the use of this type of triggering is not for events, but to randomize things like money.
Subrosian possible i can get the map maybe i can get ideas from it
Kinda old news really..
I made a map a long time ago that had 128 randomized switches. (Thats 2^128 randomness
) Each one coded for a door in a vast level. It was going to be an rpg that randomly made a path for you to follow through a giant maze, and the path would change every three minutes. Only problem with this idea was the fact that on the second attempt at the game, I got locked inside a room for three minutes.
It's not really a concept, I just made it for some stuff if you need random answers/numbers. It is a finished map god dammit... Stupid mods.
That's because this map isn't a map to play, but to show ideas.
It's not to show ideas, it's for people to use for quick randomization. Anytime you need something randomized you could just use this map, I mean I know it doesn't cover every randomizing thing, but it covers a good amount of them. There's 12 different ways to randomize, I didn't make it to show an idea.
All of those 12 ways to randomize are the same method though.
And it would be better if it were just an idea, because it would be faster to rewrite it than copy the triggers into your map and alter it to your use, if you know how it works.
So you're saying that you made the map so other people can open your map, start editing, and turn it into their own maps?
Still looks like a Concept map to me.
No that wasn't really the idea, the idea was you could like play the map (not really play, but I can't think of the right word) to get like 5 random values if you need that or something, like if you want to make a campaign where there's minerals that look like they've been mined from someone there in the past you could use the 0-1023 randomizer or the 0-2047 randomizer to make up values for the mineral patchs. It's not that they'd be using these triggers in their own map.. I guess it's not really that useful, but someone might use it I don't know..
QUOTE(Rantent @ Nov 11 2005, 05:41 AM)
I made a map a long time ago that had 128 randomized switches. (Thats 2^128 randomness
) Each one coded for a door in a vast level. It was going to be an rpg that randomly made a path for you to follow through a giant maze, and the path would change every three minutes. Only problem with this idea was the fact that on the second attempt at the game, I got locked inside a room for three minutes.
well that would make a fun maze, hav a bunch of 5x5 rooms selad by doors and 2x2 corners and u hav to get to the end, but maybe hav like 30 second intrevals, and if a room had a certain amount of doors shut, something would happen
if u want a random value, used a random number generator, there like a 10kb download and give a number or letter(s) as high as u want
Oh wow... all this time the randomness function was available and I never even knew till I figured it out for myself...
This is my first Starcraft forum...
There is a problem with this though:
I have a trigger that determines how many units are created, i.e.
Randomize 'Switch 1'
'Current Player' brings exactly '1' of 'men' to 'Location 1'.
Switch 1 is 'Set'.
Create '5' 'Zerg Zerglings' at 'Location 2' for 'current player'.
Preserve Trigger'
'Current Player' brings exactly '1' of 'men' to 'Location 1'.
Switch 1 is 'Cleared'.
Create '2' 'Zerg Hydralisk' at 'Location 2' for 'current player'.
Preserve Trigger'
The problem here is that nearly everytime I use it, Switch 1 always seems to be one or the other, so that I would always get zerglings. Of course, as a simple of a test as this is, it WILL give you lings and hydras, but when it's used in more complicated switches and fucntions, everything messes up...
come to think of it, i had a map where things started messing up till I deleted all the comments... wtf?
sometomes strings get messed up, for the randm unit thing, hav a death count counter that goes for how many options of units, just put like a 100 millisecond wait blok
Everyone missed the point that this map is to help you randomly pick choices that you probably could not choose or decide upon on your own.
So you say: "hm, how many levels should I have for my defense (runs this map) 12? okay sure."
There. A decision made for me, by this map.