okay i had 435 minerals. Then i bought a name change for 300 minerals. Then i went to pay _-MASTER-_ for making my sig, and i only had 99 minerals. Did i get penalized for something and if so what, and also, why isn't it on my warn notes thingy and why am i not allowed to fight for my side instead of just losing 30+ minerals?
It isn't just end of story. LegacyWeapon deleted my post.
Posts Deleted
Effect: Moderate
Statistically: 16-256 Minerals, 1-16 Post Count each.
Occurs: Often
What did I do?: For every post of yours in a mineral forum a moderator or you delete, you lose 16 Minerals and 1 Post Count.
And i lost twice of 16 minerals. I have a real problem with LegacyWeapon. The post that was deleted was directed at him for deleting all of another guys spam and i was arguing what is the point in deleted his post if part of it is still legitimate and the post is never deleted? So, because maybe his "feelings got hurt" or he thinks he's a friggin god, i got my post deleted and lost 30 minerals without being told why or being allowed to argue it. Oh and to top it off, LegacyWeapon hates me simply because i argued with him on why he was locking topics left and right when i believe they weren't finished. You moderators cannot take things personnally, i wasn't directing it AT him. If Legacy continues acting this way then ill probably just leave SEN because legacy is taking all the fun out of it and i don't wanna be here if he is going to act like a dictator.
If you had known that, you should have posted it.
I realized it after i had posted. I was thinking about why in the hell i would lose minerals and then i realized what it might have been.
You post crap, it gets deleted, you suffer the consequences. 30 minerals will the least of your problems if you keep it up. Yes, you are allowed to fight for your side, in fact I would encourage you to do so. Unfortunately, deleted posts do not show up in warn logs, nor do the penalties of post deletion. This will be worked around in v5.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 11 2005, 10:23 AM)
You post crap, it gets deleted.
I didn't post crap if you read what i said. I was arguing with legacyweapon, thats not just random bs that i blurted out. He had no right to take minerals away for what i said.
In my opinion some of these mods are ass holes, not much we can do about it except avoid them... I think CheeZe took 100 of my minerals, but I don't know why. Could someone tell me where to find the warn log or whatever it is?
QUOTE(NerdyTerdy @ Nov 11 2005, 11:51 AM)
In my opinion some of these mods are ass holes
which is exactly why i am fighting them at the moment. all of a sudden, the mods that seemed to have some sense in their brains have turned to protect the actual stupid ones and are now backing up all the retarded new rules. if this continues to occur then ill probably just leave SEN because i won't sit here like a thrall while they dictate everything we can and cannot do. They are supposed to be "police" not "dictators".
Yeah, you shouldn't really be worried that something you post isn't going to live up to the mods standards, the website is supposed to be for fun, not everything has to be serious. I wish Yoshi would come back, I bet he'd fix things.
The problem is he picked some of these guys. I wonder if he knew they would act like this...
I think he expected them to act as they had when he was here, but now that he's gone they all feel it's their duty to be the king of the site, and that's making them try really hard to do stuff right, but that is making them make some really ass hole moves like closing topics that shouldn't be closed and taking minerals away for stupid reasons. I think that's what it is anyway... So I'd like to say to the mods Get your shiz together...
Knowing Yoshi better than either of you, he would go ban-happy and shut you all up. You're a big reason why he decided SEN was too much stress for his life.
Oh, haha the way you put it makes it sound pretty funny.. Well I do think some of the mods are acting power crazed.
*Various insults to SEN staff*
*Various other insulting comments*
I'm not against providing constructive feedback to staff - but these kinds of insults are called flaming, not feedback. It's no wonder that staff treat you badly if this is the way you frame your criticisms.
A good practice to use when you have a grievance you want to raise with someone is:
- Attack the action, not the person.
Criticise the fact that you haven't been told the reason for your warning, not the person of LegacyWeapon or another staff member for being an "meanie". Nothing constructive can come from simply calling people names.
- Describe how you felt as a consequence of the action.
Say that you feel unfairly treated, or you feel like the victim of someone's misdirected anger. If you don't tell them the consequences of their actions, then they might not realise that those consequences exist.
- Suggest a better alternative.
Suggest that moderators should give a PM or add an entry into the warn log any time they penalise you. Don't just leave a complaint just as a whine. In order for it to be constructive feedback, you should suggest what could be done better.
- Give the benefit of the doubt.
Be patient. Moderators are people too. They can make mistakes or have a bad day. That's no reason to lose respect for them. Never presuppose that someone's character is flawed just because you don't like something that happened - it might even be out of their control. In particular, restrain yourself from flaming others. Remember - criticise the action, not the person.
Personally I think it seems like a more 'active' warning system - sending a PM rather than only deleting or warning or fining - is a good idea. I think that the opening of warn logs to be viewable was a good move - although I can see that there is a potential problem with people complaining too much. I might also help to provide a publicly-viewable protocol of what the penalties are for various "standard offences" (there might be one already, but I don't know where it is if there is one).
The only problem with a letter-for-letter law code is that then people while whine and cry and look for loopholes, trying to put a written guidelines above the word of staff.
You know, half of your conversation should've occured in PM, as well as your scuffle with LegacyWeapon, both of which I would consider spam.
Ah, biskit, nice post, what I was going to type 2 hours ago

(fell asleep)
Okay biskit I'll work on doing that... I still feel some of the mods are unfair, but I guess they could be having bad days like you said..
If you have a problem with the way I moderate or any moderation related actions I take, then PM me. It's really simple.
QUOTE(NerdyTerdy @ Nov 11 2005, 08:01 PM)
but I guess they could be having bad days like you said..
every day?
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Nov 11 2005, 08:10 PM)
If you have a problem with the way I moderate or any moderation related actions I take, then PM me. It's really simple.
I did PM you the first time i had a problem with your actions and you answered just a little bit of the few questions i asked and then just dismissed me.
Then prove him wrong instead of making a topic. As far as I can see, you haven't done anything in your defense other than make derogatory comments about the state of moderation.
Don't like it? Leave. That should be the banner of the site.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Nov 12 2005, 12:17 AM)
Don't like it? Leave. That should be the banner of the site.
Just because i havn't been here very long, doesn't mean i didn't like it the way it WAS. Its changing, and it sucks. Come to think of it "rexyrex was spamming because it has nothing to do with the topic". No i don't think your spamming. Your comment sure as hell isn't helpful, but its not SPAM. But what you just wrote, and quite frankly everyone here including myself "spammed" because we have gotten quite off topic wouldn't you say? the topic only asks why i lost minerals and since that is answered than this topic should be locked right? Im just trying to use this as an example of how ridiculous this is getting.
It should be locked? I'd be elated.
ยป Topic Locked
I was being sarcastic? Stop going lock happy dammit. If i wanted it locked i would have locked it.