Sadly, I didn't completely finish any of my other big map projects, so this is going to be a first finished one for me
Dragon Nest Wars is going to be very similar to the semi-popular map snowball wars, which I play almost whenever I get on battlenet.
You play the game by:Each player starts with one bunker atop a small cliff.
Every few seconds/minutes you get a unit which you can use to destroy the enemy bunker. You win if enemy team has no more bunkers.
Its very easy to play, which is why it is decently popular.
You get heroes and hero credits with kills.
You get minerals for kills, and you can buy minerals using hero credits. Each mineral can upgrade one thing for you, so the best strategy usually is to upgrade the attack for the unit u have most of.
I might throw in advanced features like unit-specific massing, things like that.
In this map, I'm going to try to get interesting terrain, (sadly, I can't terrain, if someone who knows how to do it would help me I would be very grateful).
I will throw in some fancy effects such as seemingly invincible bunker, colored units, etc, to increase map popularity. This wont impress the mapping veterans, but it will impress most people.
I started the map yesterday, 11/10, but its already decently playable.
All i need to do is add heroes, advanced features, special effects, and doodads.
Bottom is the 'control panel', hero selection, upgrades, etc.
I have added an interesting new hero system to the game.
Now, you can fuse certain heroes by bringing them to 2 special locations and bringing a special credit to the 'upgrade' crystal, or upgrade them by bringing the unit to the special location, having the special credit at the 'upgrade' crystal, and having needed amount of minerals. You lose the minerals but gain a new hero, while also losing the old one.