Could this be possible? I was thinking something like:
2 Locations
And have two units, one for player 1 and player 2, and something like:
Player 1 brings 1 Marine to MARINE location; wait 10 seconds - pause game
Player 2 brings 1 Zergling to MARINE location; wait 10 seconds - unpause game
Any ideas anyone?
have the marine move somewhere and have the location follow it at a certain interval and move the marine to it at that interval. it would look kind of sloppy, though.
QUOTE(Epona @ Nov 11 2005, 07:59 PM)
Could this be possible? I was thinking something like:
2 Locations
And have two units, one for player 1 and player 2, and something like:
Player 1 brings 1 Marine to MARINE location; wait 10 seconds - pause game
Player 2 brings 1 Zergling to MARINE location; wait 10 seconds - unpause game
Any ideas anyone?
dont believe that will work
just make burrowed zergling i think follow it with preserve trigger and no wait time
Wait would they be off of the location to begin with? If so, the pause would stop all unit movement. I don't think I understand what your getting at.
P.S. Pausing with triggers only works on single player mode.
And if this did work on multiplayer people would see it as lag. The kind of lag Merrell has.
slow motion...have burrowed lings below the marine or make the game lag for everyone! i know that there is a unit that when you create a lot of them it doesn make the anoyying noise of "WARNING UNIT UNPLACEABLE" and the text message you just can create a trigger that spams text with lots of blanks
warning:every trigger you have will be absolutely messed up
if u do it rapidly with hypers and 1 millisecond wait it would maybe work
and the lag :
Just Tell It , Has Anyone Heard Of The : Didplay Text Message Thingy
Warn em
moving a burrowed drone without waits works slightly better then the ling or any other zerg unit, it slows down attack rate and walking rate i think, atleast the walking is slowed, but of theres mroe then 2 iof the same enemy unit, one would go normal speed
QUOTE(Rantent @ Nov 12 2005, 12:03 AM)
P.S. Pausing with triggers only works on single player mode.
QUOTE(AFL-InuYasha @ Nov 12 2005, 08:05 PM)
moving a burrowed drone without waits works slightly better then the ling or any other zerg unit, it slows down attack rate and walking rate i think, atleast the walking is slowed, but of theres mroe then 2 iof the same enemy unit, one would go normal speed
Both are true.
Can you describe with more detail just what effect you're trying to do: slow EVERYTHING, or just one single unit? If it's one single unit, what InuYasha described is the tried-and-true way. If it's everything happening on the map, it'd be a bit more complicated.
QUOTE(PCFredZ @ Nov 12 2005, 07:13 PM)
Both are true.
Can you describe with more detail just what effect you're trying to do: slow EVERYTHING, or just one single unit? If it's one single unit, what InuYasha described is the tried-and-true way. If it's everything happening on the map, it'd be a bit more complicated.
yeah that's what i was wondering because
it will be enough to have a location constantly centering on the desired unit and having a burrowed units on that location so it slows down, having 5 units slows down even more, the more units you have the slower it is
my theory is hmm create a lot of units in a isolated location and spam them a message in blank so they don't see the "WARNING: UNIT UNPLACEABLE" text
there is a unit that produces no sound also i might investagite oh and i might make a map about this after i come from dinner!
here is the map i made
example 1: 1 unit burrowed
example 2: multiple units
example 3: using the create 255 units to lag the game and slow it down
Hint By: WoodenFire "to slow down the game you can just bring your 28Kb modem friend into the game"
I think the slow-all using lag is a bad concept. Useless, bad sounds as you pointed out. And, ther is another way to use the same individual unit slow system for mass units. You can use search-systems and isolated areas throughout the map, or a slew of teamed search engines to slow all units... On paper, it should work.
OK SLOW MOTION CAN BE 100% done without triggers. Host a map with game speed of SLOWEST. You will see some really slow motion POOP their my friends.
here's something you can do, morons!, set game speed to slowest....
if you have ever seen the video map "kill me" the guy does go in slow motion it can be achieved but you have to lag the map down alot for that certain amount of time this is extremely difficult but it is possible if you examine the trigs of that map i'm sure you'll find an answer... if you dont have the map well try to find someone who does because i dont have it anymore. its a hard map to find anymore becuase it takes sooooooooooooooooooo long to dl (about 25 minutes on b-net) but it would be worth it to you.
in the map "kill me" the slow motion is only temporary which could relieve the stress of pissed off people that want answers and gaming "NOW" most people on b-net are impatient so i'd try not to make it on slowest
Me and glytcher tested this: continuously do a transmission on a unit with a wait of 1 and preserve it. Make sure that you have hypers too or it won't work. ALL of the units will slow down.
QUOTE(urmom @ Nov 18 2005, 03:10 PM)
Me and glytcher tested this: continuously do a transmission on a unit with a wait of 1 and preserve it. Make sure that you have hypers too or it won't work. ALL of the units will slow down.
Does it have to be an existing unit?
I think so, it could just be one tucked away in a corner or hidden area. It also makes the portrait static.
Me and glytcher tested this: continuously do a transmission on a unit with a wait of 1 and preserve it. Make sure that you have hypers too or it won't work. ALL of the units will slow down.
thats acctually pretty cool
my questoin is when will this be usefull....
I noticed in Mario Kart Battle 2, one of the arenas has an area that slows your vulture down to create the effect of trudging through sludge. Is this what you guys are trying to achieve?
He wants to do it for EVERY unit though, not just that one.
Even if you could go slow motion with triggers, whats the point?
No use for making a game slower than it could be.
for special effects, like the matrix
I guess the pause would work for manual player control, but you would lag and somtimes lose controll of your units, and it would be an itiration to speak.
What i was thinking was (if sc can make things this acuratley) and if you are making a scene in a movie or cpu controlled condition, you could create a unit at one location, remove it really quickly, and re-create it at a location slightly above the first. 'course this would take massive triggers....EUDS maybe??
Nubeness of noobs at triggers, do this to make it to it when he brings it somewhere or u can modify ot for your way
Center location 1 on Terran Marine owned by player 1
Preserve Trigger
*Current Player brings qauntity at least 1 any unit to location slow Motion
*Create 1 Zergling with properties at location 1(Burrow Zergling)
Preserve Trigger
Wow so easy
Not sure if this has been said:
You know that tutorial where you can scroll up for your unit to move up, scroll down for your unit to move down? I found that when you scroll two different directions really quick, it will confuse the triggers, making the unit go one way and another very fast, but still walk towards one direction.
For example:
You scrolled left and right really quick. The unit will now try to move left, but you moved right last so it'll move to the right as it tries to move to the left, resulting in slow movement of the right side.
Give it a try. You can then fix the problem by scrolling towards the way your unit is walking.