I participated! like twice and then i kept forgetting
. Okay so we can use kiwis as lottery tickets yay...but someone would have to be in charge of it. So lets see, every saturday we could have the drawing, and the pot is just simply the kiwi money, and in order to place your numbers you would "use" it. That way you could send it and the newbie could use it.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 12 2005, 10:47 AM)
I created them for s**ts and giggles, that's all. And I'm going to leave them that way. I have enough coding to do as it is. I changed the restock time to minutes (2707 minutes, yay
Well so much for the lottery.
Recently, I've been constantly having to edit posts for censor evasion. Effective immediately, I will be handing out warns for evading the swear word filters.
THIS INCLUDES (but is not limited to):
Spaces, i.e. BADWORD = B ADWORD
Single Stars, i.e. BADWORD = B*DWORD
1337 or other approximations of characters, i.e. BADWORD = B4DW0RD
BBCode interruptions, i.e. BADWORD = BADWORD or BADWORD.
The censors were added for a reason. You have been warned.
...i have the feeling nothing will happen to you.