lol wooden..
sorry but map seems pointless...
but not true it was a joke..
so is there maybe upgrades and stuff? etc.. wow maybe a system where you can enter planets
and kill everything there lol funny funny eh?
well i donno i dont really watch gundam expect for gundam wing which i watched long time ago great anime.
might be interesting if there is a lot of stuff to do with your gundam and really hard guys that you are possible to fight with... and maybe if you do something a mini war starts.. and you fight for 1 side... and that will be the climax of the game... donno.. but tell you the truth
no plot = no map...
there needs a ending for all map.. where it sums it up... or endless acitivity of nothing and get bored to easy.. and wont play again...
so i would say many things you can do maybe lots of upgrades for your gundam and maybe a ending war kinda thing which is very hard to achieve... and then once you achieve the war to happen then you fight for that 1 side... and once you kill off all the other dude you win...
or maybe GTA Gundam versoin and can be put under the GTA section... jp but that might be funny...