a totally honest post. Im here to help and noone will gain anything in me telling maps look good when they clearly cant be on a competitive level (which always is my goal)
On remnants of the past you're on to something, but its not finnished yet,
* Bigger mainbases, extend them to the corners, and remove that anoying doodad in them.
* Wide up the space outside the first expo
* place centerminerals so units wont risk walking through workers mining, and bug up.
* wzup with 3 mineralpatch expos, no1 will actually use them
* make sure tanks cant drop on the little island just outside bases (with doodads on)
* Extend the aREas at 10 and 4 to make the map slightly bigger, and make the gas epo bigger out there somewhere.
* Make islands bigger, add gas so they hold more strategical value.
* Remove the 12 doodad propellers, or what they are, on the platform around the center.
* Read "The Gas-issue" article on bwm.net and correct that (only needed in main)
* Overall, wide up paths here and there. Teran vs protoss will pe a biatch otherwise.
Decoration is ok though. Looks nice and serious.
Twilight stream
I dont know your ambitions with this map, but 192x192 (or is that even 256??) is just not suited for competitive play and this map is scrap in my eyes. period
Washington EX seems generally awkward and is nothing compared to remnants, so i say focus on remnants and make it really good. The others will never stand up to higher quality than gaming with your close friends without total rebuilding, and then you might aswell start a new map with a better concept all togheter.
here is a general understanding of what i mean.
But you should redo it yourself so it fits your style better.