Right now my first priority is to do the triggers.
Hard Defence is a defence (of course).
F E A T U R E S:
-Help System
-Good Playability
B A D S T U F F:
-Only 4 players
-Too hard for some people
-Beta.1 Version is not neat, of course, it's my first version...
If a bad guy gets to the finsh line, it will take away 1 civilian from your unit picker!
This is hard because at first, everybody will just go buy units, no one will know that you should keep at least 2 civs for lives. That's why I gave you 6 civs. Yes, you can get all the units you want, for you greedy people out there...
If you are one of the greedy types, unfortunately the units are pretty expensive.
The most you can get is a [RACE] Pack, where race stands for either Terran, Zerg, or Protoss. Speaking of buying units...
U N I T S:
[For Zerg:]
-Zergling (1)
-Hydralisk (2)
-Infested Terran (4)
[For Terran:]
-Marine (2)
-Firebat (1)
-Ghost (3)
[For Protoss:]
-Zealot (1)
-High Templar That Can Shoot (2)
-Dark Templar (3)
Protoss Pack Includes:(6)
-2 Zealots
-Dark Templars
-1 High Templar That Can Shoot
-1 Reaver
Terran Pack Includes:(6)
-2 Marines
-2 Firebats
-1 Ghost
-1 Tank
Zerg Pack Includes:(6)
-3 Zerglings
-1 Hydralisks
-1 Infested Terran
-1 Ultralisk
Battle Pack Includes:(8)
-1 Tank
-1 Ultralisk
-1 Reaver
-1 Ghost
-1 Hydralisk
-1 High Templar That Can Shoot
I'd say that this is a pretty hard map, i'd greatly appreciate comments if you have any. Screenshots will be coming up soon once I make the map look nicer
This map will also be posted on the StarBlitz site. (http://www.starblitz.cjb.net)