(open) (closed)
Take a look at them, lemme know what you think as far as setup so far. A few things left to iron out... as well as re-writting the html... again.
I tried going to pure divs to use positioning and such, but for some reason, div's inside divs became their own block elements entirely and screwed with firefox. IE was actually pretty good about the code. I didn't check opera.
After the annoyance, I said fark it and held the undo button for like 1000 characters to get my orginal setup back with the tables... IE didn't display this right from the beginning, but I decided to go with it... until I checked opera. Opera does the same thing as IE with one little difference...
IE takes extra unused pixels and distrubutes them equally between each row in a rowspan. Opera takes all the extra pixels and gives them to the last cell.
Firefox gives the extra pixels to any cell that doesn't have a defined height (the right way).
Really, it looks sexy on firefox...
But I don't want to have seperate skin files for each browser...
I might have to go to the same setup senv4 has because it's simple, although ugly. The idea was to have the row of buttons on the side of the mini profile because that way, if there's a short post, it wouldn't take up so much room. On senv4, if there's a one line post, the post still takes up the whole page. It's kinda sickening.
But anyways... lemme know what you think as far as the information being displayed. IMO, on one hand, it just seems like there's too much data in different places to make it really 'flow'. On the other hand, it looks a bit more organized as far as not shoving data all in one line, only seperated by |'s.
There's a few things missing, namely, a 'go back to forum' button.