• Your ENTIRE signature must remain UNDER a width of 600 pixels and a height of 200 pixels. The Administrators are checking!
• When you click "update my signature", be sure to check the signature preview! It has rulers to show you how large your signature currently is. If the signature stretches beyond the rulers, change it RIGHT AWAY.
• Images with external hosts MUST be under 100kb.
Some users just have had their signatures removed because they were either too big in filesize or pixel size. Those users will know who they are because of the changed in your signatures.
Consider the new message in your signatures a verbal warning and I have logged this. None of you have been warned, but next time, as a repeated offender, you will.
What if your text size settings are different than yours? (You know, ctrl + Wheel scroll)
My Signature was owned by BeeR.
I never checked the filesize of my signature.
It's checked by using the default size, which is the one that the very large majority of the users at SeN use.
How long is it going to take for you to check everyone's size?
How do you know what default size is?
Arg, Beer.. I contacted Moose on AIM about this a week ago. He said those ones that are 100-150 are fine and he will raise it to 150.
So yeah, that wasn't necassary but you didn't know I guess.
Argh... my old signature was around 150KB... Oh well, it's smaller and will hopefully load faster now.
Where do we find out how big our signature was. Cuz mine was over 100kb but i dunno how much bigger. Its smaller now though.
Right click + properties.
Anyways just read my post. Moose said he will raise the max limit soon, so don't completely "delete" the signature, you can put it back up after Moose raises it.
I think I'll push it up to 120. No gaurantees on this, though. The limit stands at 100 until I say otherwise.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 19 2005, 01:11 PM)
I think I'll push it up to 120. No gaurantees on this, though. The limit stands at 100 until I say otherwise.
I'd go with 115kb, of the about 10 signatures removed, about 6 were less than 110kb.
After this thread has been made I keep seing people with signatures going over the limit.
I'm going to pin this so that it grabs people's attention. The moderators are checking your signatures, if they go over the limit they will be deleted and the action will be logged.
Second+ time offenders will be warned.
Please keep in mind 600x200 includes text AND picture. If you put a 200 height picture and lines of text, you're over.
Does this have to do anything with me getting a warn thing in my name well under. Its really weird scence I dont have much of a sig. Just a bunch of stupid garbage that im deleting.
Uh you have a warn log... just click on it and if it says nothing and says you got warnned just pm a mod. you know how it says 20% or something and the 20 is linked just click on it. It should say it there.
QUOTE(xszerg @ Nov 22 2005, 10:25 PM)
Does this have to do anything with me getting a warn thing in my name well under. Its really weird scence I dont have much of a sig. Just a bunch of stupid garbage that im deleting.
Your signature has never been removed due to it being over the limit. You have also never been warned. Consider yourself clean.
[center]New members don't seem to read the rules anymore. We're allowed to put Karma links in our sigs, but not minerals right?[/center]
What the heck is karma? You're so months ago.
It's going to be funny if senv5 ever launches and the max size changes from 200x600 to 150x400...
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 21 2005, 03:03 PM)
Please keep in mind 600x200 includes text AND picture. If you put a 200 height picture and lines of text, you're over.
My siggie (with my text size, dunno if it's smaller or bigger) is about 2-3 pixels over, because I cant resize my siggy (another suggestion, resising pictures in the [img] tags). Is this unaccpetable?
With pixel size I usually let a few pixels pass by, I myself had a signature that was 1 pixel too large for a while. I'd suggest that you edit your picture and remove a few pixels from the top and bottom. I checked your image and you have about 2~3 pixels of horizontal lines without anything.
How often do the Moderators really check the sigs? Isn't it possible to just code it so that u can't have it over 200 by 600?
Oh, and do you have a special list of people with more then allowed sig size or something?
We check sigs pretty much randomly. When we see a picture with high detail and such we check it for file size. With pixel size, it's pretty simple, itf it's big, we check it.
Nobody is allowed more sig space unless you are an Administrator.
You can't really code it from what I know, you can't check the size of an image if it's linked from the outside.