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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> StarCraft Plant the Bomb
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-21 at 00:43:06
I've started working on a simple, different, new map. Plant the bomb. It's 4vs4 and each team has a bomb and has to take it with an scv to the enemy base and wait for 30 seconds then kaboom, thats a point. To start off you pick a team of units(3 units per team) out of 8 teams (psychic, infantry, engineering, demolitions, covert operations, assault, surveylence and pyrotechnics) and set out to plant the bomb. You can always come back to the spawning area to pick again or if all of your units die, you choose again. Until a team has planted the bomb 5 or 10 times (haven't decided). The terrain is pretty much 100% complete. The triggers still need alot of work, about 30% complete.

Team 1s bomb
user posted image
Team 1s base where Team 2 needs to plant the bomb:
user posted image
Team 2s base where Team 1 needs to plant the bomb
user posted image
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hitl1r1 on 2005-11-21 at 00:47:11
It sounds ok too me, it kind of seems like a Counter Strike/ Team Fortress Classic mix to me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Caboose on 2005-11-21 at 02:29:56
Looks cool, seems like it would a be Assault type setting like on Halo 2.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lithium on 2005-11-21 at 03:41:26
Lol d00d this map is gonna roxx0r the b0xx0r. smile.gif I love games like this. this is why i loved Team Fortress and Capture the flag. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-21 at 23:45:58
I'm starting to think... should there be a bomb for each team or just 1 bomb in the middle? What should it go up to? Any1 have ideas?

More Screenshots:
Main Bridge
user posted image

Team 2's spawning area
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Report, edit, etc...Posted by I-X-King-X-I on 2005-11-22 at 03:14:40
sounds like those halo team fortress maps that used to be popular

but anyways..good luck with it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Diggidoyo on 2005-11-22 at 14:59:43
I'm starting to think... should there be a bomb for each team or just 1 bomb in the middle? What should it go up to? Any1 have ideas?

As for the bomb location, There are pros and cons for all kinds of different scenarios.

If you place it in the center of the map then all players will always know where the bomb is: Either in the center, in their hands, or in the hands of the opponent. This means if you don't have the bomb then all you have to do is find the other team's guy with the bomb and kill it, and the players switch roles.

If you give each player a bomb, then the both teams have to worry about how to get their bomb to the other persons base without losing their bomb in the process. Perhaps there could be a penalty (points, time, etc) for losing your bomb.

Another suggestion is randomly placing the bomb in certain probable locations of the arena using switches. This creates uncertainty for both players with them looking for the bomb and then having to place it all the while protecting themselves. If player 1 has the bomb, player 2 is still looking becuase he has no idea if player 1 has the bomb or not (assuming shared vision is off).

As for the number of points to win why not leave that up to the players (such as in FFA Hero arena maps). If this map is for two players you can give both players a civilian and put locations for 5,10,15, or even 20 points to win and the game doesn't start until both players agree.

Good luck and let us know when you get a beta version out!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-22 at 23:14:53
Those ideas are pretty much the same ones im wondering about... so I've started a poll: to see everyones opinion. I'll send more screenshots soon, but lately I've been working on the triggers. I'd say theyre about 55% done now. But my whole idea of this is for everyone to know where the bomb is.
I'll keep you guys posted... aslong as you keep giving me feedback happy.gif

Crap!... I've run into another problem... The unit I'm using for the bomb is a Zerg Vespene Sac. It will not let you create these units with triggers, so what happens if the bomb blows up...? ohmy.gif This is the same with all of the other power-ups given by mods and all of the blizzard power-ups are automatically invincible. I'm not seeing any ways around this... unless I make it so you cant blow the bomb up and it doesnt blow up when you plant it in the enemies base... Which I'm worried about, will ruin some of the fun in that.. Any suggestions? pinch.gif
I really need some help on this one. helpsmilie.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Raindodger on 2005-11-22 at 23:18:49
Umm how about, you just MOVE the bomb when it "explodes" and create a explosion effect with a seige tank or something around the lines of that? So if you don't want to have to create a new bomb each time just after a team scores randomize the switches (or w/e youre doing) again and move it there.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-22 at 23:29:01
But then what should happen when a drone dies and the bomb is left in the middle of the map? Should there be a bomb for each team or a bomb in the middle? Or should each team take turns controlling the bomb? But then how does it decide when its the other teams turn? The countdown timer is already used for planting the bomb(when you plant the bomb it counts down from 30 seconds). confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nightmaremage99 on 2005-11-22 at 23:55:39
sounds sweet man btw how did you make your sig..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-23 at 11:48:08
Suggestions please!!! blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Raindodger on 2005-11-23 at 19:14:12
But then what should happen when a drone dies and the bomb is left in the middle of the map? Should there be a bomb for each team or a bomb in the middle? Or should each team take turns controlling the bomb? But then how does it decide when its the other teams turn? The countdown timer is already used for planting the bomb(when you plant the bomb it counts down from 30 seconds). confused.gif

Umm.. let somebody else pick it up?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RetardedGoliath on 2005-11-24 at 17:22:45
So then you're saying there should only be one bomb? confused.gif
vote on the poll >>>
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