Brief description
Tactical warfare with some strategy which I hope will work.
-Ideas and Features•Ability to call Airstrikes
•Nukes(It is already in the game so why not add it?)
•Special Forces,Standard Infantry, Snipers, etc(basically most thing you'd expect)
•Machines(i.e Tanks,Jets) will be more powerful then Infantry but will require them to protect them in order to survive.But will be expensive.
•In order to capture a city you must destroy the defences and reach the Headquarters
•All buildings are invincible except ones you build and bunkers.
-Terrain•Varied Terrain with water in a couple areas then forested then mixed then some rock etc.
About 5% done.
-Unit placement•1%
-Players•6 Players, 3v3
-Map tileset•Badlands
-Map size256x256
Storyline / Introduction
What would the Players do in this game?
You will have to capture every opposing city
Screenshots / Demo
Just a Little Demo of what it might be like.Very short.Just go up and you will find a city.You can take control of it and thats about it.In order to take the city,you must destroy the defences and then bring a soldier to the headquarters.However,You can't destroy the Photon Cannon,it is just there as a defence.You gain control of the city and the cannon when you bring a man to the headquartesr and have succsesfully destroyed defences
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