I like it, the main bases could stand to be a little bigger, but it actually looks pretty fun. Good job, man.
Looks like a fun map, short like blood bath yet has decent amount of expansions and is somewhat symmatrical... what size did you make it on?
Could have done better with a shorter map though
you could have made it by 128 but its still cool.
enlarge the mains abit. and make the space patches smaller, take away from the parts closer to the middle. Itll open it up a bit more.
other than that its much better than your last efforts.
thanks for the comments
what do you mean by "take away from the parts closer to the middle"? it seems really open in game, the pathways are bigger than they seem in the picture.
I think he meant that the hole was too big.. thus smaller bridge + less area
yea, poor explination. Umm I want you to keep the bridge sized strip of land between the expos but make it so the middle is bigger. So, take away some space tileset in the middle.