Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
A TBC map based on fire emblem, with 6 characters (might add more) for each side.
[progress]15[/progress]P1 triggers
[progress]0[/progress]P2 triggers
-Players• 2 Human, 1 computer
-Map tileset• Jungle
-Map size• 128x128
Storyline / Introduction
Unless someone else wants to make a storyline, I'm not, because this is only one mission.
In this game, for the first 5 minutes, players choose what to buy from a shop, and setup their units on the battlefield. After the first 5 minutes are up, the players fight. It is turn based combat, with each character having a certain number of move points, the battlefield being setup in a tile system. The objective is to kill the other player's main character. For player 1, it is Ike. For player 2, it is Stefen. While it is not your turn, you may just watch the enemy, or you can buy more items from the shop.
-Characters• Player 1:
• Ike (Class Swordsman, Zealot)
• Titania (Class Paladin, Zergling)
• Boydd (Class Axeman, Firebat)
• Mist (Class Healer, Medic)
• Soren (Class Mage, SCV)
• Rolf (Class Archer, Goliath)
• Player 2: Help with names please. I have the units down
• Stefen (Class Champion, Vulture)
• Shinin (Class Sniper, Marine)
• Mortaki (Class Sorceror, High Templar)
• Ryhas (Class Healer, Dark Archon)
• Gatri (Class Knight, Ultralisk)
• ------ (Class Thief, Dark Templar)
Help with the last name please. Thanks to Master-kenobi for 5 of the team 2 names.
-Weapons[Only one of each item at a time]
Weapons Triangle: Sword beats axe, axe beats lance, lance beats sword
• Swords
• Iron Sword $165 [+4 Attack]
• Steel Sword $325 [+8 Attack]
• Killing Edge $250 [+2 Attack, +25% Critical Rate]
• Axes
• Iron Axe $120 [+2 Attack]
• Steel Axe $210 [+4 Attack, Double Strike]
• Poleaxe $290 [+2 Attack, +9 Damage Vs. Mounted]
• Lances
• Iron Lance $265 [+3 Attack]
• Steel Lance $450 [+5 Attack]
• Javelin $250 [+0 Attack, 2 Range]
-Items• Miscellaneous Items
• Vulnerary $180 [+15 HP, 3 Uses]
• Healing Staffs
• Healing Staff $150 [Only For Healers, +25 HP Per Use (Only on others)
• Mend Staff $500 [Only For Healers, 100% HP Per Use (Only on others)
• Item's picked up in battle
• Thinking of ideas.
-Spells• Book of Fire $375 [11 Damage, 1-2 Range]
• Book of Wind $290 [8 Damage, 1-2 Range]
• Elfire $465 [15 Damage, 1-2 Range]
• Elwind $400 [7 Damage, Freeze 2 turns, 1-2 Range]
• Bolting $470 [8 Damage, 1-3 Range]
Screenshots / Demo
The Item Equipping (from left Ike, Titania, Mist)
The updated Item Shop. I put the locations in the SS so you can see what is what.
The Battlefield without sprites, or extended terrain. The cloaked wraiths are the grid for moving your heroes
P1's "control panel".
I know I can't write in paint.
I am in the process of making a demo. I can only get more than about 30 minutes to and hour of work done on weekdays because of school, but weekends are a different story.
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